Oh yeah, always, always, always dissolve the sound between cuts. Even if it\'s only 5 frames. You can definitely tell when you have an ambient mic. You know the scene where dude is interviewing the people on the couch? Well dude\'s audio quality was much more "airy" than the other mics. Dissolving audio makes this far less obvious.
In the news business we use to fake this by trailing audio. Shot one would be on channel one. At the end of the shot trail the audio off. Next shot put on track 2. Next shot goes on track one. etc. etc. This gives that dissolving audio feel.
Another thing to watch out for, the opening shot. I think I remember dude in a field with a tree sticking out of his head in the background. Always be aware of the background. The worst is having like a dead tree or something behind someone\'s head and it looks like antlers. Or a telephone pole sticking out of his shoulder.
Another tip. Don\'t screw with God. God\'s light will overpower anything you can throw at it. If at all possible when shooting outside try and keep your horizon from making your subject under exposed. Do this by either getting a good amount of trees or something to cover the sky, or just make sure you are a little bit higher than your subject.
OK, that\'s enough for now. I\'ll try tonight to dub a couple pieces off for you to see. I haven\'t shot in forever. I\'ve shot some stuff for Hi Rev Tuners, but it\'s like "anti" my style of shooting.