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Author Topic: Serial Experiments: Lain  (Read 496 times)

Offline Metal Gear
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Serial Experiments: Lain
« on: July 03, 2003, 01:13:50 PM »
This is a great anime show.Thanx to LIC for reccomending it to me.
I finished watching Cowboy Bebop and I must say that SEL is totally different.I\'ve only seen episodes 1 through 4 but I think it\'s a Stanley Kubrick kind off anime.It\'s very slow with minimalistic music but maximum effect.There\'s also the theme of reality and fiction and how these 2 run through eachother.

I love it!

Just thought I\'d share this with you.

Has anyone else seen it?
I\'m like King Midas in reverse.Everything I touch turns to shit.  -Tony Soprano-
Homer: Marge you gotta help me. I have to do one good deed in the next 24 hours to get to heaven.
Marge: Well, you could clean the garage, mow the lawn, paint the house...
Homer: Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. I\'m just trying to get in, not run for Jesus.

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Serial Experiments: Lain
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2003, 06:19:45 PM »
Wrong forum. :D

Great series though. I\'m espically fond of the later episodes and the opening theme, "Duvet".

Offline Evi

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Serial Experiments: Lain
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2003, 09:42:12 PM »
Yes, this anime is pretty damn cool...and really strange. I can\'t wait for the new Evangelion to come out (although the creators don\'t know if it will due to lack of production costs). I\'m sure they\'ll find a way. The animation will supposedly be ten times as smooth and up to date.


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