Originally posted by Coredweller
2nd part wasn\'t for you, Ace. It was for two people above.
Whatever happened to personal responsibility? If I were in a relationship where on a weekly basis I caight my wife trying to cut my schlong off. If I chose to stay, then I would be paid for.
If I have AIDS and I spit in your eye, is that an attempt to kill you if I know full well what I am doing? You bet it is!
There are tons of sick people out there, and it has never come up. So my guess is you would be sol if you got spit on.
Also for you individuals who are arguing that it\'s the woman\'s fault when her husband or boyfriend beats her, I suggest you revise your opinions. You\'re displaying a remarkable level of youthful ignorance. The only way you could hold this view is if you\'ve never seen a real case of domestic abuse, never met the victim, and basically don\'t have a fricking clue what you\'re talking about.
I\'m sorry, but I am 30, and have gone through my first Divorce.
No woman is trapped in a relationship. The only thing trapped is the children. I have 0 pity for anyone that stays around where they are beat. Heck the female in the above story could have been just as guilty as he was. I have seen lots of females fist fighting with their husband. With them the instigators in the entire affair.
By most current laws you can go to jail if you break your own property while angry. It is considered a threatining act. My guess would be that you are in your early to mid 20\'s, and have been in a idealistic college enviroment. I felt the same way as you when I was younger.
One last thought. Let\'s say he was beating her, and they have children. Should she be held accountable in any respect if he did this on a daily basis, and he ended up seriously injuring the kid? She had the power to stop the crime before it ever happened. If I were in a jury I would throw the entire lot of them in jail.
Are you talking to me about my views on wife beaters? I think it\'s clear that I think this type of individual is lower than scum.
I hate those guys also, but you know what. It still comes down to personal responsibilty.
Do it once shame on you. Do it twice shame on me.