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Author Topic: God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..  (Read 2088 times)

Offline SirMystiq

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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2003, 09:19:32 PM »
Originally posted by mm
could you do a better job then GWB?  no, then STFU please

My dog probably could..........What job is GWB doing? For him the war in Iraq is over, done for, does that mean everybody over there is happy? Aren\'t soldiers still dying? But who cares right, Saddam and the "threat" have been eliminated so the war is over for him. So please stop with the "put yourself in somebody elses shoes(GWB)" crap b/c I roach can rule better than he has.

I agree with capcom. Women this days have so many freaking rights, but they never take advantage. Divorce who always gets the kids? Who gets half the money? If there is some girl that is getting beat every day of her life and she doesn\'t do anything about it, she deserves to be beat. Unless shes "in love" with him and "can\'t live without him" like so many wifes that get beat tend to use as an excuse.
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2003, 09:44:50 PM »

(i wanted to use the mega one)
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2003, 10:57:49 PM »
I am amazed by the ignorance that anyone has. You have to be ignorant to support any remote idea that someone can go to jail for spitting on a cop. I can see some jail time and a fine, but come on, a life sentence? Give me a frickin\' break and don\'t even try this "he\'s a wife beater" thing. People make mistakes and they recover from them. It\'s possible he made a mistake and in the heat of it spit on a cops face...So, we sentence him to life, while other people are getting 10 - 15 years for actually KILLING someone? Seriously, the US justice system is messed up and people who support that are messed up in the head.

And don\'t try the "well..he may of had a rap sheet..etc". If they couldn\'t charge them for the others - then there is no reason to go looking for the most trivial reasons. It\'s complete and utter bullsh!t.

You guys are passing judgement and all you know is this one small part of this mans life. This guy could have a huge rap sheet and they may have been trying their hardest to find something to pin on this guy to get him more than just a wife beating charge.  When this occured they jumped on it.
 Don\'t just assume the guy only hit his wife and spit on a cop.

And by this quote, you are assuming he did have a huge rap sheet . It makes no difference. We can\'t go grabbing people up for lesser charges, just because we lack enough evidence to charge them with actual harmful crimes .

#1 thats not the US system, thats the oklahoma system
 #2 spitting in someones face is attemped homicide
 someone spits in my face?  kill him


You missed something. It\'s a deadly weapon when used against a goverment employee . If I spit on your grave - it would not give you any legal right to kill me. No, self defense would not work.

Do you think that spitting is actually attempted homicide? Give me a freakin\' break!

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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #18 on: July 06, 2003, 02:53:36 AM »
If I have AIDS and I spit in your eye, is that an attempt to kill you if I know full well what I am doing? You bet it is!

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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #19 on: July 06, 2003, 03:22:01 AM »
first of all no woman should ever be hit and not there fault god
guys what would you do if your sister was be hit by her boyfriend
are going say it her fault because she love him come on some
woman are scare to leave their husband or boyfriends because
there afraid  they will get kill or kids get hurt you do know when
guy beating his wife or girlfriend they them that will kill them if
they leave them . oh the guy who spit cop was stupid but come
on he doesn\'t ned life in prision it just show you that cops can are above the law

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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #20 on: July 06, 2003, 07:56:07 AM »
The HIV virus is not transmitted by saliva, so no, it\'s not attempted murder.

Also for you individuals who are arguing that it\'s the woman\'s fault when her husband or boyfriend beats her, I suggest you revise your opinions.  You\'re displaying a remarkable level of youthful ignorance.  The only way you could hold this view is if you\'ve never seen a real case of domestic abuse, never met the victim, and basically don\'t have a fricking clue what you\'re talking about.  

Should you ever get a girlfriend, and tell her your views on this subject, I guarantee you will catch hell.  Women understand it, and the only ones who don\'t are 1) Boys (probably you) and 2) adult male abusers.  I\'m hoping you are #1, and not #2.
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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #21 on: July 06, 2003, 08:07:44 AM »
OK then what if I decide to squirt you with AIDS infected blood?

Are you talking to me about my views on wife beaters? I think it\'s clear that I think this type of individual is lower than scum.

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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #22 on: July 06, 2003, 08:28:28 AM »
2nd part wasn\'t for you, Ace.  It was for two people above.
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Offline Capcom
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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #23 on: July 06, 2003, 09:37:19 AM »
Originally posted by Coredweller
2nd part wasn\'t for you, Ace.  It was for two people above.

Whatever happened to personal responsibility? If I were in a relationship where on a weekly basis I caight my wife trying to cut my schlong off. If I chose to stay, then I would be paid for.

If I have AIDS and I spit in your eye, is that an attempt to kill you if I know full well what I am doing? You bet it is!

There are tons of sick people out there, and it has never come up. So my guess is you would be sol if you got spit on.

Also for you individuals who are arguing that it\'s the woman\'s fault when her husband or boyfriend beats her, I suggest you revise your opinions. You\'re displaying a remarkable level of youthful ignorance. The only way you could hold this view is if you\'ve never seen a real case of domestic abuse, never met the victim, and basically don\'t have a fricking clue what you\'re talking about.

I\'m sorry, but I am 30, and have gone through my first Divorce.

No woman is trapped in a relationship. The only thing trapped is the children. I have 0 pity for anyone that stays around where they are beat. Heck the female in the above story could have been just as guilty as he was. I have seen lots of females fist fighting with their husband. With them the instigators in the entire affair.

By most current laws you can go to jail if you break your own property while angry. It is considered a threatining act. My guess would be that you are in your early to mid 20\'s, and have been in a idealistic college enviroment. I felt the same way as you when I was younger.

One last thought. Let\'s say he was beating her, and they have children. Should she be held accountable in any respect if he did this on a daily basis, and he ended up seriously injuring the kid? She had the power to stop the crime before it ever happened. If I were in a jury I would throw the entire lot of them in jail.

Are you talking to me about my views on wife beaters? I think it\'s clear that I think this type of individual is lower than scum.

I hate those guys also, but you know what. It still comes down to personal responsibilty. Do it once shame on you. Do it twice shame on me.

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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #24 on: July 06, 2003, 10:36:01 AM »
Funny you mention that capcom b/c that is all I hear politicians..soapbox standers and the general public talk about..but probably only 20% actually take in their own accountability.

I feel that ANY aggressor..male or female desereves what they get.
\"Booze, broads, and bullshit. If you got all that, what else do you need?\"-Harry Caray

Don\'t cry over spilled milk., It could have been Whiskey.-Me

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.-George Washington

Offline Capcom
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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #25 on: July 06, 2003, 11:04:53 AM »
Originally posted by luckee
Funny you mention that capcom b/c that is all I hear politicians..soapbox standers and the general public talk about..but probably only 20% actually take in their own accountability.

I feel that ANY aggressor..male or female desereves what they get.

So what about the military? What if dude was a vietnam vet, and it f*cke*d him up in the head? There are a lot of what if\'s.

I don\'t mean to get off subject to far, but I see no politician or a high percentage take accountability for anything. I am fat because McDonalds made me fat. I have lung cancer because some big corporation tricked me into smoking.

A thought about cops. If you so much as touch them it is assault. If they ram a toilet plunger up your a** ,it is a slap on the wrist. I am sure some of you all remember this from N.Y.

I have 2 sisters. If anything they tend to be the aggressors, but if their husband\'s beat them. I would tell my sisters to get out of the relationship or don\'t say a word to me about this anymore.

So far as politicians taking responisibit for anything. Well that is a joke. Our entire political system can be a joke at times. You are told to go out and vote for change. I\'m sorry it is not a change if you have to choose from politicians that are hand picked by the representing parties.

What I am trying to say is that there is alot that we as individuals can do little about. Not being able to get up, and leave an abusive spouse is not one of them.

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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2003, 11:14:52 AM »
Capcom..what I mean by that is this.

We are a fairly civilized society in the states. So it is quite reasonable to assume that there is very little reason for anyone to hit anyone during an argument.

So with that said, if a wife wants to cold cock her husband, she should expect the same.

Just like with rape. If a man get 20 years for rape. Id like to see additional court hearings somehow to figure out her accountability. like if said man didnt know the women at all and approached/raped her in a parking lot at night..give him that full 20.

If the chick is playing with his little guy and getting him hard, just walks away and the guy forces himself upon her. I think he should get 13-15 and she takes the remiander. Just b/c she knew what she was doing. Im not saying it is right to take it, but sometimes it isnt that clear cut. Just like in abuse cases.

Of course we will never see anything like that hear and alot of bugs would have to be worked out even it it ever did. But I like the theory.
\"Booze, broads, and bullshit. If you got all that, what else do you need?\"-Harry Caray

Don\'t cry over spilled milk., It could have been Whiskey.-Me

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.-George Washington

Offline Living-In-Clip

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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #27 on: July 06, 2003, 07:06:43 PM »
Personal responsablity means nothing in America. We look for the easiest possible way to convict people.

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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2003, 07:59:59 PM »
Wow... then coughing on someone while having the flu is assault, no?

*rolls eyes*

This whole thread is ridiculous....
And I can\'t believe some people here actualy believe this Bullshit. Thats why our country is so F\'d these days.
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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #29 on: July 06, 2003, 08:58:40 PM »
Thank you.

It is beyond ignorant to think that spitting on someone is attempted to murder or assault with a deadly weapon. But, there are always blind sheep that will follow anything the goverment does and this is just another example of that. Grasping at straws to justify the goverments actions.


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