Hey come on anyone playing this kick ass game.
I having a blast with this one. My step son and I are playing to seperate games. I play in te morning early and he plays during the afternoon while I\'m at school etc. We trade off night times.
By the way this is his real 1st RPG and I think he\'s hooked now.
He\'s going all evil and I\'m the boyscout.
***** SPOILER *****
When you get to the 2nd planet Datoonie you will come across a jedi who has succumbed to the dark side. You can kill her and complete your mission succesfully but gain a dark point and a light sabre, or convince her to see the light and gain her as a playable character shorly after.
******* END SPOILER ******
This is the best thing Star Wars to come out in over 10 years. The last 2 movies have a crap plot so far compared to the game. (not including Galaxies cause my PC could never handle it, and I\'m sure thats mega cool too)
and I must admit I really enjoy the non typical fantasy japanese styled RPG that KOTOR is.
Definitely worth the price of an Xbox IMO
of course let me play for a few more days and see if its still holding up !!!!