thanks for all the compliments about my mum...I\'ll let her know she has some secret
You think pits and legs are ex never shaved her p*ssy and it was horrible...
Adan she will sign up for an email just for you sweet is that?:str8pimp:
I\'m cute?thanks but don\'t get any ideas lol
There are some absolute mingers in the UK
Adan only wants to meet the nice ones,thats why he is gonna be coming clubbing with me when he gets a plane here.
I\'m lucky I\'m not dutch as well if thats true!lol
ooseven my mum is the one in the middle mate...her mates are each side of her.
Anyone else wanna take a pop at my family,I heard my nan is widowed...

(ooseven and MPTheory fight over her)