It\'s in phoenix, but there is no way this guy will be working tomorrow.
PHOENIX - Jenny Lopez\'s home is a pile of rubble after a demolition crew mistakenly tore down the wrong house. :banghead:
The house that was supposed to be demolished Wednesday was across the street from Lopez\'s, where she had lived for 30 years. Although the home was vacant, the family stored household items there and had hoped to sell it.
House numbers in the southwest Phoenix neighborhood are not well-marked and all the mailboxes sit on one side of the street, making identification difficult.
Foresight Investment Group of Phoenix hired contractors to tear down the house across the street from Lopez\'s. It was vacant, boarded up and fenced in.
"We were either going to sell the property or build a new house," said Joe Uruquart, one of the company\'s owners.
One of Lopez\'s old neighbors spotted the heavy construction equipment in her yard and alerted family members. But when they arrived, the house had already been torn down.
Demolition man David Gomez declined to comment about the incident but told a television station that he would probably lose his job. :artyon: