I have been travelling through the vast lands of the internet, picking up bizarre stories from strange folk of many kind ( remember the huge Planet X -debate? word says that it is still out there; only to approach on a later date ) But now, for the first time, my message might truly be of great importance; as we are dealing with the issues regarding the end of the world ( as we know it ), aliens, crop-circles and human conciousness; all wrapped up into one package dated to open December 21st 2012. Sounds crazy? Dig in deeper and your views might change, my friend.
Aztecs. The ancient, legendary civilization which still puzzles the researchers today. Ever heard of the Aztec Sunstone? 12 feet in diameter, it is one of the most significant discoveries regarding that specific culture. Why? Because Aztecs used the Sunstone as a calendar of a kind. They measured time with it. To read more about it, plus some additional info on the research regarding that stone, click the following link:
http://www.swirlednews.com/article.asp?artID=110 But why does the 2012 year kick in? If you read the article above, you have an idea. Add to that the facts that the crop-circle phenomenon has been greater than ever before ( either the hoaxers have gotten more skilled, or there really is something out there ), the climatic changes are humongous plus the hidden messages within the Bible, you have a real case to crack.
To find out more, much more, about the significance of this specific year, follow the rabbit deeper into the hole:
Oh My GodAre we really going to enter a whole new stage of conciousness? Don\'t know. But it will be an interesting ride nonetheless...
( more about crop-circles later on; I have one incredible story to tell you - but first, you ought to let this one digest )