Just an odd point.
A friend of mine met this girl and they started talking on the phone. She talked a lot of sexual shit and according to him, she sounded like she had experience and she looked every bit of 17. He was 23, for the record. Anyways, they went out and when he started to do his thing with her - she asked him if she could tell him something. She then proceeded to explain that she was almost 13, but not quite. Of course, he freaked the hell out and turned the car around and took her home and never spoke to her again.
My point? I can see how some people get tricked . I know for a fact, women now\'a\'days look a lot older than they are. Bewteen his story and my own experience in misjudging a woman\'s age (clarifcation: I say that, as in, looking at a girl, thinking she is hot and wanting to approach, only to hear her speak / or go find her dad and realize she is about 13).
Now if he knew she was 12 - then I say there is a problem. However, if he didn\'t, then I say she is the problem . *shrugs* She doesn\'t look all the young to me, infact I would of guessed her for around 15 years of age.