come on mm, you have a little love, opwn youyr heart up!
I\'m sure you can appreciate both Chips, as well as acknowledge intels faults or shall we say flaws.
Also If some of you were wondering about RAMBUS, they are still alive and are in the makings for the ps3 ram, They will not of course manufacture the ram, SAMSUNG etc... will.
RAMBUS had the speed, but High price(due to manufacturing process) and High Latency(although they never had the chance to further improve) kill them off.
On my rig upstairs I have 1GB of Samsung RDRAM pc1066 and beleive me it rivals the DDR 400(dual channel beats it, of course) and I have had that ram for over a year. DAMN
how long ago did AMD completely abandon the business market
I see you edited, annyhow Intel owns 80% of the semiconductor market, they are powerful company, the have the money to MASS market(as AMD does not) plus they have a fool name that\'s has been around long. What I mean about fools name is, the average Joe know\'s nor cares shit about CHIPS, therefore As long as it says INTEL(which they relate to, advertisment) with high speed sticker written on it, they are sold.
Also smart business have been investing in AMD computers to save money while getting equal ro better performance. Still Intel dominates, since DELL for example is the biggest provider for small to large business computers, and of Course Intel has them in there pockets. Unfortunate it is, that in life many superior idea\'s or desings are turned to dust by large bullies, like Intel or MS.
Like they say mm, 70% of the people are running a WinTel pc.