Yeah, great show. One of my favorites is when they trick a guy into thinking he is playing a trick on another lady. He tells her that she will be his secretary(he is supposed to be a doctor), one of his "patients" walks in and they go in the back. He puts on a ripped up lab coat and smears some fake blood on himself. The patient puts on a mask and some gloves. The doctor runs out to the secretary like, "Oh my god!! He\'s a werewolf! There\'s a werewolf in there!"
Secretery: What?! Oh my god! Okay, you stand back, I\'ll take care of this.
Dude: No, you don\'t understand. There is a f*cking werewolf in there.
Secretary: *Pulls out a gun* I said stand back...
Dude: *Looking INCREDIBLY scared* no no no wait......
Patient: *runs in the room dressed like a werewolf*
Secretary: *Unloads into the patients chest*
yadda, yadda, yadda
Very funny.