well, here\'s what happened.... my chicky couldn\'t get a passport in time,
so I wasn\'t gonna go (it was her birthday weekend...)
then the dude told me that the "documentary" wasn\'t gonna happen if I couldn\'t come. I asked him to send me an email detailing
how I could get a passport in 3 days. He did. turns out he works for a show
called "make my day" for
http://www.monkeykingdom.com quote:
"In this critically acclaimed game show contestants have absolutely no idea that they\'re even playing. For one whole day they are secretly filmed about their normal life of work and play while being treated to a series of bizarre coincidences and hilarious encounters. Ex-lovers, old bosses and favourite celebrities line up to throw dilemmas and surreal events at the oblivious participants and how they react to these determines whether they get to win a prize. Presented by Sara Cox the 1st series of Make My Day, which was broadcast on E4 and C4, won an award at the international Golden Rose of Montreux awards, 2002."
hmmm.. and i thought that they wanted to film a documentary about
past relationships.....
if they were lying to me about the show, then I was not about to get
onto a plane to go to a "5 star inn in the country outside of London" at their expense....