I trust Fox News more then I do with CNN. Now, blowing stuff out of proportion, that is a problem with the media in general (laci Peterson case. Who the FREAKING cares?). But the thing about Fox News is, they do it with giving BOTH sides of the story (you can argue they are giving the conservative side more sway, which I will not argue. Just that, if you actually WATCH CNN [more on this in the next paragraph]...). Doesn\'t mean that Fox News isn\'t bias (all networks are). Or, dare I say it, too "pro-American". But compared to the other networks...it is more "fair and balanced".
Second, CNN isn\'t innocent either. This is the channel that ADMITTED, that to keep an office in Baghdad, it allowed Saddam to do anything it wanted while CNN looked the other way. They also allowed to have their OWN workers tortured, and did nothing about it. After basically breaking the trust of the American people with stories like these, CNN has, for the most part been EXTREMELY anti-American in its reporting. Now, there is NOTHING wrong with reporting bad news about Americans in Baghdad (or bad news about the US in general). Yet, WHERE is the other side of the story? Where are the stories about Americans building schools and helping children have a better life? All we hear from CNN is how much the Iraqis hate Americans. Which is funny since, many polls done in Iraq shows that MOST Iraqis are glad that Americans are there and that life IS better. Fair and balanced?
And even with all that, even CNN is being critized as being too "conservative" or "flag waving". Makes you wonder what fair and balanced means to some people.
And again, the problem with the news in general, whether it is Fox News, CNN, New York Times, whatever...is not only what they decide to air, print, or talk about, but also what they do NOT tell you. You should be critical of anything you hear or read.