Gman, Ken Park is like Bully, just another step up in terms of indecency.
Ken Park is available from numourous internet and P2P sites.
IMO, I don\'t think this kind of thing should have been banned at the Sydney and Melbourne film festivals. Film festivals are pretty big over here, and it gives new talent a place to showcase their work. If it had of been viewed here, it would have just proved what a whack job Larry Clark is and how he needs to be locked up for good. Artists, no matter what kind, should have a place for people to view their \'art\'. Its disgusting, but art is supposed to envoke emotion, and thats exactly what its done to me.
This movie is seriously disturbing. You see a boy skate to his local skatepark as the beginning credits roll, he is listening to some pretty heavy music. He sits down in the middle of the park, gets a camcorder out of his bag and places it facing him, then pulls a gan out and shoots himself in the head. The viewer see everything, the massive explosion that comes from the other side of his head, and they then have the nerve to show it again in slow mo.
Seriously, one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen, because it portrays suicide as something that you just go and do when life gets crappy.