Maybe it\'s better for each of us to define for ourself what
"DYING" means to us. Which of these ? ;
1. - ripped away from your happy joy joy human existance
2. - transcending into an \'unknown-afterlife\' or \'phase 2\'
3. - being freed from a learning proces called \'human life\'
No. 1 pretty much sums up the way alot of ppl see it. The
way society sees it. No. 2 is more in line with ppl who have
so called \'alternative\' opinions on the subject. No. 3 is a mix
of ppl in No. 2 and ppl who\'ve (in their opinion) led a miserable
For me it would be 2 or 3. Ever watched the anime Akira ?
Director Otomo\'s message is that all living creatures are
materialised forms of energy/spirits. Imo, we will, like the boy
Tetsuo, \'transcend\' / \'cosmic rebirth\' into the \'cosmos\' as
"Free Energy beings" to which no human word applies nor
description is possible. This is something mankind can not
understand or explain. But that is not a big deal imo. If I look at my life, my own body as well ( the "happy with your own body" thread is related 2 this also ) I see both possibilities and restrictions/ limitations. It is never a status quo. Life has proven
to me it\'s a learning proces, a purpose. I am glad as I am typing this being alive ( how could I else

), but I think once I pass
that point which humans call "death" I think I will be glad too. Just as Tetsuo (with the \'help\' of Akira ) did his cosmic rebirth.
Btw, the scene where Kandeda \'says goodbye\' to his buddy Tetsuo when he is a small energy ball is beautiful, still a tearjerker. All this story is of course rooted in Japanese mytholgy and Buddhism ; which is no religion in the way of having a \'God\'.
:eek: oh yeah.... the cause by which i think i will \'transcend\' ;
as life is an evolving learning proces i can\'t pinpoint predict but age is probably gonna be it.