Who would you vote for?

Name: Mary "Mary Carey" Cook.
Age: 22.
Occupation: Porn star
Party: None
Family: -
Education: -
Career highlight: Movie "New Wave Hookers 7".
Goal: Wants to introduce tax on breast implants and make lap dances reduction valid.
Name: Larry Flynt.
Age: 60.
Occupation: Porn king
Party: Democrat
Family: Wife, five kids
Education: Senior level of compulsory school
Career highlight: Served six months in jail for court defiance.
Goal/Quote: "The fact that I make money on porn does not mean that I don’t care about the difficult problems we all face."
Name: Mathilda Karel Spak.
Age: 100.
Party: None.
Occupation: Voluntary work at a old people\'s home.
Family: Widow, no children.
Education: Economics
Career highlight: Worked as a estate agent and insurance employee in Chicago. Retired in 1960.
Name: Angelyne.
Age: "Timeless".
Party: None
Occupation: Poster model, entertainer.
Family: Single, no children
Education: Wont tell.
Career highlights: Known for her campaigns on posters. Has taken part in 43 movies and over 1000 magazines and tv-shows.
Quote: We have had Brown. We have had Gray. Now its time for something blond and pink."
Name: Gary Wayne Coleman.
Age: 35.
Party: None.
Occupation: B-class actor
Family: Single
Education: -
Career highlight: Played the leading part as Arnold Drummonds in the tv-show "Different strokes" in the 1970:is.
Quote: "I\'m the most qualified man for this job"
Name: Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Age: 56.
Party: Republican
Family: Wife Maria Shriver, four children.
Education: Education in economics, University of Wisconsin-Superior.
Career highlights: Mr Olympia-winner in bodybuilding seven times.. "Terminator" movies.
Quote: "I have lots of money. No one can buy me. Trust me. No one."