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Author Topic: Arnie is running for GOVT!!!  (Read 2663 times)

Offline Simchoy
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Arnie is running for GOVT!!!
« Reply #30 on: August 12, 2003, 06:49:32 PM »
Like it or not, the recall initiative has been a part of California constitution. Don\'t like it, change the law. Ironically, the recall initiative was put in place by progressives who wanted the people to have the power in government. Funny when the process is finally being used, people are bitching about it.

Second, 66 million. Big whoop. Compared to...38 billion Gray Dufus and the Democratic controlled legistature lost...I\'d say 66 million is NOTHING. You don\'t turn a 10 billion surplus into a 38 billion dollar deficit and don\'t expect the peons to uprise now do you?

Its funny how people are saying this is a threat to democracy. This is Democracy at its puriest. This was put on the ballot, not by politicians or rich elitiest...but by the people (yes, Issa helped fund it but it was started in the grassroots level). The people still have the right to vote...the people still have choices (in fact, now 235 or so choices), just that it all is happening under a Democrat governor (EXTREMELY unpopular governor). If this was Pete Wilson when Prop 187 passed...I wonder what the media and the liberals would be saying then. Also, Gray Davis did...what is probably the stupidiest thing in the world. He tripled, TRIPLED the car tax. Even people in his party saw this as a bad idea. Reason for the recall? There is more, but I\'m not going to waste board space on this.

And no one is saying that Davis doesn\'t have the right to go negative. But that doesn\'t make it any less vile and mean spirited.

[edit]And I agree that overall, Californian voters are morons. The fact Gray Davis survied (due to the fact he did go EXTREMELY negative. Something Democrats say they are against yet do it anyways) is a clue to this.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2003, 06:53:07 PM by Simchoy »
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Offline Bozco
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Arnie is running for GOVT!!!
« Reply #31 on: August 13, 2003, 03:59:34 PM »
Nobody can debate against that.

Offline Coredweller
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Arnie is running for GOVT!!!
« Reply #32 on: August 13, 2003, 06:05:12 PM »
Wait and see.

By the way, why not leave this to us Californians?
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Arnie is running for GOVT!!!
« Reply #33 on: August 13, 2003, 07:15:01 PM »
Originally posted by Coredweller
Wait and see.

By the way, why not leave this to us Californians?

Look where that got you so far.....:D
Wrong. There are two other people who can.
Dark Lord Sith\'s.
Demon\'s named Phil.  -LIC

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Arnie is running for GOVT!!!
« Reply #34 on: August 13, 2003, 08:15:05 PM »
WTF, Bozco in disguise?
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Arnie is running for GOVT!!!
« Reply #35 on: August 14, 2003, 11:37:15 AM »

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Arnie is running for GOVT!!!
« Reply #36 on: August 18, 2003, 11:13:19 AM »
well it seems the financial advisor for the Schwarzenegger campaign is.....Warren Buffet.  I\'m not thrilled about this

Offline Simchoy
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Arnie is running for GOVT!!!
« Reply #37 on: August 18, 2003, 01:21:28 PM »
When Buffet was announced, that lowered my support for Arnold. Buffet, liberal, anti-dividen tax cut (this coming from a supposed businessman), anti-any Bush tax cut, anti-Prop. 13 (says we are not paying enough. For god sakes, we may have the lowest property taxes in the nation, but we have one of the HIGHEST taxes elsewhere [income tax, sale tax, etc.). Of coarse Buffet doesn\'t care...he is already a BILLIONARE. :rolleyes:

However, in defense of Arnold, it appears that Buffet has, at the very least, been rebuked by Arnold who, through a spokesperson, been in support of Prop. 13. Doesn\'t mean that I fully trust Arnold at the moment, but it did give some hope that Arnold really is a "fiscal conservative" despite the fact that he wants to fund all these social policies.

Which BTW, his after school program? Turns out, this will NOT get funding if the state does not have a surplus. Since the state is in a deficit, this will not be funded. So, while he is no conservative, at least he has some economic sense that is DEFINETLY lacking in Sacramento.
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Arnie is running for GOVT!!!
« Reply #38 on: August 19, 2003, 12:16:07 PM »

Go Arnie...

honestly I think he should win- and then beat the shit out of gary coleman.
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Arnie is running for GOVT!!!
« Reply #39 on: August 21, 2003, 01:43:14 AM »
If you heard what he said yesterday...I\'d say it does give some hope back to fiscal conservatives that Arnold is the real deal (despite the Warren Buffet fiasco).

-He said he would call for a special session on the workers compensation crisis. Workers compenstation being so out of wack in this state, businesses are LEAVING because of it (in fact, Costco recently blamed their stock drop because of CALIFORNIA [not Arizona, not Florida, or any other state that Costco is in] workers compensation cost).

-He would NOT raise any taxes.

-Cut spending (no specifics granted...which I hope he will give later).

-Says that we are not undertaxed, instead, we are OVER taxed and the businesses are OVER regulated and OVER taxed.

-He will also lower the car tax (I think he said this yesterday. Well, even if he didn\'t, it would be an obvious that he would. Even Gray "I did not have sex with that deficit" Davis and Cruz Bustamonte now realizes this was a mistake).

Now, what might get conservatives though is, he says that he CAN\'T rule out tax increases obviously. To an extent though, I can give him a pass since...if he said he won\'t raise taxes, and does it anyways, he will be George Bush Senorized. Not that he won\'t deserve it, but he would be held accountable to those words.

Still, he did say that raising taxes is the LAST thing he would do. HE will help turn this state around unlike Bustamonte (who just announced, an 8 BILLION dollar tax increase which he calls his tough love campaign. Tough love? More like punishing hard working Californians for their own imcompetence).
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Arnie is running for GOVT!!!
« Reply #40 on: August 21, 2003, 09:50:41 AM »
I figured it out. Jesse Ventura vs Arnold Schwarzeneggar at WrestleMania XX.  Indeed.

\"What are you supposed to be, a clown or something?\"

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Arnie is running for GOVT!!!
« Reply #41 on: August 25, 2003, 01:05:35 PM »
Dude Jesse would own him..

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