I\'m a meat lover. I eat meat, especially beef.
I like argueing with vegetarians. Humans are made to eat meat and plants. If we evolved to eat only plants, our bodies wouldn\'t be able to take the meat. Look at a deer. Only eats vegetables, especially in my old garden (I wanted to shoot them with a shotgun), they evolved to only eat plants. Now, sneak some beef into those plants and see what happens. They will get seriously sick because their bodies can\'t digest it. Now, if that were the case with humans, if we were only to eat plants, there would be no way for us to even think of eating a steak. Another example, my cat. I believe at cat is a carnivore. I don\'t know why but my cat has eaten plants (he does this way too often). I hate it when he does because his body can\'t digest it so he pukes it all up. Think about the connection with humans.
Look at our teeth. Look at a dog (carnivore I believe) and look at a deers (herbivore), now look at ours. A dog has jagged teeth for tearing and chewing teeth. Look at a deers. They are flat because they don\'t need to tear with canines (they have mostly molar type teeth) so they just chew and swallow. Look at a humans. We got the canines for tearing and the molars for chewing. But our molars are different than an herbivores. We have pits and jags on them so we can still tear through meat and chew plants. So basically, what I\'m saying is that for 100,000 years that us humans have been on and evolved, we\'ve been made to eat meat and plants. We aren\'t made to eat only plants or only meat. We are dependant on both.
Now if we were to only eat plants, it would kill more than it would save (there was another thread this was discussed, I\'ll see if I can find it and post the link to back up what I\'m saying) to farm land than slaughter cows and chickens. Things like mice and groundhogs (I lived on a farm for 14 years of my life, I know what I\'m saying) would get cut, trampled and run over by tractors. Not only that but the nutrients in the soil would run out and we\'d need fertilizers. This is taking into account that the population doesn\'t grow. Even at this population, we would still have to expand our agriculture, assuming that all the farms are running at full capacity. Forests will need to be cut down, plains will become fields, mass hysteria on our environment. Now, with all these fields, it doesn\'t give much room for our population to grow. Now, as our population grows, we will need to expand for homes and expand the fields for agriculture. This is impossible. And I didn\'t take into account that animals would be raised. See, its impossible for humans to just switch over to all plants. We are made to eat both and we always will.