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Author Topic: What would you do....  (Read 1052 times)

Offline Titan

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What would you do....
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2003, 07:12:39 AM »
I\'d fight. Theres still the slim chance you\'d live. I had this debate with a friend of mine. He\'d become a POW. The reason I would fight is that there is a chance to survive and if you die, you died a heros death. If you surrendered and became a POW, you\'d be tortured for information, be underfed, diseased and die. If you do survive, you could be crippled for the rest of your life. If you die in a POW camp, theres no honor in that. No thank you, I\'ll pick up my M-16 and stay and fight to the death.
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Offline Kurt Angle

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What would you do....
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2003, 07:29:18 AM »
I would like to say that I would fight to the end, but until you are actually faced with such a situation you nver know just how you will react.

Offline Kurt Angle

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What would you do....
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2003, 07:29:44 AM »
I would like to say that I would fight to the end, but until you are actually faced with such a situation you never know just how you will react.

Offline Bjorn

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What would you do....
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2003, 11:29:34 AM »

I\'d fight. Theres still the slim chance you\'d live. I had this debate with a friend of mine. He\'d become a POW. The reason I would fight is that there is a chance to survive and if you die, you died a heros death. If you surrendered and became a POW, you\'d be tortured for information, be underfed, diseased and die. If you do survive, you could be crippled for the rest of your life. If you die in a POW camp, theres no honor in that. No thank you, I\'ll pick up my M-16 and stay and fight to the death.

How much is a "heroes death" worth to your family, gf, kids etc? Is it worth anything to you? No, becuase you\'re dead.
To try to kill 10 people swarming you most certanly would mean death.
To me suicide is stupid (well, if you want to live that is ;) ).

Have you shot an M16? Those clips run out quickly as hell and moving target are hard as shit to hit.

Why is POW=death? Do americans kill their POWs?

Offline Kurt Angle

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What would you do....
« Reply #19 on: August 08, 2003, 11:36:07 AM »
Originally posted by Bjorn

To try to kill 10 people swarming you most certanly would mean death.
To me suicide is stupid (well, if you want to live that is ;) ).

Have you shot an M16? Those clips run out quickly as hell and moving target are hard as shit to hit.


It worked for Arnold Swartzenegger in Commando though, he must have killed around 200 soliders. ;)

Offline luckee
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Re: What would you do....
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2003, 12:09:39 PM »
Originally posted by Titan
I was reading LIC\'s thread on dieing and it got me thinking. If you were stuck in a war and you were swarmed by enemy soldiersb (lets say 10. doesn\'t matter though, more than 4), what would you do? Would you fight to the death giving the chance you might beat them and run or would you give up and become a POW? Explain your reason. I\'ll give mine after a couple replies.

Kill every last motherlover that I could before dying. Who knows, you might get em all and still live vs being a POW and not knowing what will happen to you.

Do or die baby.
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Offline Titan

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What would you do....
« Reply #21 on: August 08, 2003, 12:21:32 PM »
Originally posted by Bjorn

How much is a "heroes death" worth to your family, gf, kids etc? Is it worth anything to you? No, becuase you\'re dead.
To try to kill 10 people swarming you most certanly would mean death.
To me suicide is stupid (well, if you want to live that is ;) ).

Have you shot an M16? Those clips run out quickly as hell and moving target are hard as shit to hit.

Why is POW=death? Do americans kill their POWs?

POW=death because Americans don\'t kill their POWs but the enemies of the US (like Iraq, Japan, Germany, Al-Quada) torture them and chances are you\'d die or become crippled. I\'m just saying if I\'m caught in the situation, I\'d rather die than suffer in a POW camp. And modern M-16s from what I hear don\'t have full automatic capabilities. Only semi and 3 round bursts. And it also depends on the clip size. Usually, there are standard clips of 30. But it is possible to use 40 or even a drum with 75+ rounds. AK47s can use drums of 75 or even clips of 5. But they tend to jam so I wouldn\'t use an AK47.
Liquid Spam of The Spaminators
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U R FUCJKGIN FCUTE" -THX to luke and Bob

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Offline SER
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What would you do....
« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2003, 06:30:05 PM »
I\'ll be :ghey: and become a POW and stay alive. That way I don\'t die and when and if I get back, I\'ll be a hero and have the military supporting me for the rest of my life. :)

Offline 182Ways
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What would you do....
« Reply #23 on: August 08, 2003, 07:23:52 PM »
How much is a "heroes death" worth to your family, gf, kids etc?

Most people would consider that to worth a lot... Wouldn\'t you feel the upmost degree of pride if your father or someone close to you did everything he could to stop the enemy?

I just don\'t understand how any human being could train as a soldier and then go into a war with any sort of selfish, individualistic attitude and bring himself to "give up."  As I stated earlier, if one\'s not willing to give his life in the name of his country in order to protect his rights and freedoms, then he\'s a waste of space on the battlefield.  That\'s my opinion, anyway.

And SER, unless you achieved some sort of outstanding success on the battlefield before being captured, the government would hardly consider you a "hero" behind the eye of the media.  Maybe if you escaped as a POW... but otherwise the military would need to risk and sacrifice their own men and resources to rescue you.  I wouldn\'t expect them to support you for the rest of your life unless you plan to serve them for just as long.

Offline Samwise
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What would you do....
« Reply #24 on: August 09, 2003, 12:04:41 AM »
Originally posted by Titan
POW=death because Americans don\'t kill their POWs but the enemies of the US (like Iraq, Japan, Germany, Al-Quada)  

Hehe yeah, German people are hardcore man, they don\'t care about being part of NATO and the UN, they just kill those damn Americans. :p
(thanks Chizzy!)


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