You know that you will die in exactly one week. What do you do?
Get laid....a lot.
You have the option of watching your child die or saving the lives of 2000 other children. What do you do?
2000 children.
You know that you will die in exactly one day. What do you do?
Get laid.
You are the leader of a powerful country. You know that the leader of a brutal terrorist organization that has killed at least 900,000 people is hiding in a city of 125,000 civillions. If the leader is killed the organization would fall apart. However, you do not know exactly where he is hiding and you also know that if he escapes you will probably never have this opportunity for another 10-20 years. You have less than 15 hours to devise and execute a plan. What do you do? Do you bomb the city?
Set up a road block with Humvees with machine guns mounted on top at every road blocking traffic in and out. I then have my men search every building, nook and crany and not release the road block until he is found.
You know that you will die in exactly one hour. What do you do?
You are on mile 30 of a 50 mile roadtrip through a stretch of desert. You stop the car so your best friend can get out and piss. He walks about 2 yards away from the car when he sees a snake. He is so startled that he looses his footing, falls, and hits his head on a rock. He suffers a massive head trauma. You know that if he does not recieve help soon he will die. You also know that there is a hospital about 40 miles back, so you get him in the car and try to get there as fast as possible. In your hurry to get back to the hospital you are driving 80+mph. On the way, you hit a stranded motorist that is trying to flag you down. Do you stop the car at the expense of your best friend\'s life to help the motorist or do you keep going at the expense of the motorist and possibly your own(jail) life?
Stop, pick up he motorist and take them both to the hospital.