Yay I went today, at the randals Island show, it was a really fun day....
I got backstage passes because I helped make grilled cheeses lol, so that was really Awsome, I got to meet Fat Mike, I also met Avoid One Thing and Tsunami Bomb....
Thrice was the first band I saw, and they were really amazing, too bad they didn\'t play "Artist in The Ambulence" though, I love that song

Then I saw Tsunami Bomb, which I liked a lot, I love there style and the bassist had a lot of energy... but he was a bit scarrey :P
I then saw Rancid... they had a good set list, but, the band just gave me a really bad impression of being a bit "Stuck up".... oh well, they weren\'t bad.
Avoid One Thing played next on the Volcom stage, with only about 15 people watching, which is a real shame when Simple Plan gets a huge crowd.... But they were really amazing, and they really put lots of effort in considering they were playing to so few people, got to talk to the guy for a bit after his show which was cool. Probley my favorite performance of the day...
Saw a bit of DropKick Murphys, never really liked them... *Shrugs*
Taking Back Sunday played next, with new band members too, the crowd was moving WAY too much with way too many crowd surfers and i was getting squished and i kept lifting people up and i was insanley tired.... But the band played pretty good, not great, but pretty good.
The last band I saw was Me First And the Gimme Gimmes, which is basially a joke cover band... they were very funny on stage, and just fun to watch.