Just a quickie: Sex is not for pleasure, at least not entirely. It\'s main purpose is reproduction.
Anal sex is not really sex, neither is oral sex or anything but actual vaginal intercourse. This is just nit-picking, I know.. but it is the truth. Those forms of \'sex\' are merely for the pleasure portion of sexual intercourse.
There are men and women because one requires the other for the species to continue. As far as I\'m concerned, homosexuality is entirely mental and is given bias as a child matures. Many elements factor in.
No matter what the result is.. homosexuality is futile and more or less a problem IMHO. Does this mean that I hate gay people? Uh, no. I\'d never attack anybody, nor would I discount them their right to do whatever they want as adults in their home. However, I view their actions as immoral and changing laws to alleviate their needs as married couples would be another brick to add to the big wall of corruption IMO.
Not much a quickie, but that\'s my stance. They can do what they like, but it\'s really not right. Sorry.
*puts on a helmet and ducks in a hole*