I think it might\'ve been th\' Xtreme Killers and SwK that made you th\' wreck that you are, Mike. It has to be!
Me, myself.. lemme think.. hmm..
I think I might remember falling out of a chair and breaking my collar-bone at the age of 3, but that\'s the only event I remember from that day. I think my 5-year-old cousin might\'ve made me rush; if I recall correctly, there was
something at this family gathering that I really wanted to see and my cousin Alex was going "look at the something, look at the something!" (whatever it was) and in my haste I fell onto the floor the wrong way. I also recall being in a big backyard that I\'ve never returned to, this also being around the age of 3.
I have a few other, potentially earlier memories.. but I\'m not sure if they were dreams or perhaps it just seems that way because I can barely remember. I also recall riding around the cement-floor basement (now fully furnished) on my tricycle before my brother was born. He came 3 weeks before I turned 4, and I have very few memories from before he came. For some reason I remember a few things about his birth..
A. Running down the hall in my house, not "relishing" but pondering the time I\'d had as an only child. Weird moment, that might be two thoughts mixed together.
B. At 3 years old, I watched
Tom and Jerry a lot.. among other things. When my parents were deciding on a name, I continuously suggested Jerry as a name for my brother over and over again. His name is David.

C. I remember my father calling my Nana while Mom was at the hospital, picking my mother up, and some early moments with the baby\'s cradle in my parents\' bedroom. Soon after, I leave the crib and get a real bed.
I also recall playing Ghostbusters (for the first several years of my life, far and away my favorite franchise) with my mother before Dave was born. Lots of fun I recall, but surprisingly, that\'s the last time she played with me like that with action figures and stuff. Looking back at pictures, I\'m surprised at exactly how much I forget about my early childhood. I did a lot of interesting things!