Sorry man, I can\'t agree. To put it tactfully, I\'m not planning to see it, and I\'m not looking forward to it. Even I, a fan of horror cinema, draw the line at these two woeful franchises because they have been lousy for such a very, very long time.
The whole idea behind the Nightmare on Elm Street pictures was idiotic from the start. I remember enjoying the first film because of a certain style it had, but Robert Englund\'s dopey over-the-top acting soured that series very quickly. The last one was made 9 years ago, right? Well at least they had the sense to retire that character for a while. Unfortunately we\'ve been cursed with an unending flow of Friday the 13th pictures. The first 2 or 3 of these are enjoyable in a campy way, but seriously, enough is enough.
Compare these two awful series with another one that DIDN\'T go bad. Remember Halloween H20? A 1998 installment of an ancient horror series that was ACTUALLY GOOD. Not just passable, but GOOD. If you like this genre, then please please seen some newer original movies like Wrong Turn or House of 1000 Corpses. I\'m even looking forward to Jeepers Creepers 2 much more than any Freddy or Jason picture.