People criticize New Yorkers for being ruthless SOB\'s when it comes to everything. We lack patience, driving skills, manners, you name it we probably don\'t meet the "normal standards" of people around the nation. Yet when something like this happens, we do know how to act. You can probably contribute a lot of the cooperation to what happened after 9/11, but even like this, all of us handled it right.
Being California, you guys are used to rolling black outs, but I don\'t recall you guys having the experience of the travesty of this. Even though some areas recieved power earlier/later than others, most of us didn\'t get power until a good 8-10hours after this happened.
Did anybody catch that MSNBC report that in fact it wasn\'t a lightening strike? More like a serious structeral flaw. Ah well, the only thing that will suffer is stock....