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Author Topic: Some Questions 2.0  (Read 1932 times)

Offline Titan

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Some Questions 2.0
« on: August 24, 2003, 10:38:53 AM »
Feel like making a second thread :)

1) What was your register date on this forum?

2) Whats your first name?

3) Ever cheat on your wife/girl friend?

4) How many hours do you spend on the boards in a day?

5) How many avatars have you had on this board up to this date?

6) Whats your favorite game?

7) What brand name is our computer?

8) Whats the processor?

9) Do you think Swifdi is gay?

10) Do you think this thread is gay?

11) Do you notice any typos in thsi threed? :)

12) If you were an admin on this board, what would you do?

13) Whats your favorite website?

14) Whats your own website?

15) What browser do you use?

16) What year were you born?

17) College or high school?

18) Math. Love it or hate it?

19) Whats your favorite food?

20) Whats the temperature outside right now? Cloudy or sunny? Stormy?

21) If you could beat one member here with a baseball bat, who would you chose?

22) Finally, do you think Microsoft is trying to take over the world?
Liquid Spam of The Spaminators
"That took some balls to stick a gun in his pants." -Gman
"LOL u know id fuck yu wsboth right? i would love to fuck the both of uyouy

U R FUCJKGIN FCUTE" -THX to luke and Bob

"13 year old girls sleep with older men cause they think theyre in love
13 year old boys sleep with older women cause theyd be stupid not to

Offline Seed_Of_Evil
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Some Questions 2.0
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2003, 10:54:10 AM »
1) What was your register date on this forum?
January 28th, 2000

2) Whats your first name?

3) Ever cheat on your wife/girl friend?
Never had

4) How many hours do you spend on the boards in a day?
It depends on the time of year. Between 1 and 4 hours.

5) How many avatars have you had on this board up to this date?

6) Whats your favorite game?

7) What brand name is our computer?
Packard Bell, but only the case. I changed all.

8) Whats the processor?
XP Barton 2800+

9) Do you think Swifdi is gay?

10) Do you think this thread is gay?
Not sure

11) Do you notice any typos in thsi threed?

12) If you were an admin on this board, what would you do?
Recover the webpage

13) Whats your favorite website?
This one

14) Whats your own website?

15) What browser do you use?

16) What year were you born?

17) College or high school?

18) Math. Love it or hate it?

19) Whats your favorite food?

20) Whats the temperature outside right now? Cloudy or sunny? Stormy?
Sunny, 35º

21) If you could beat one member here with a baseball bat, who would you chose?

22) Finally, do you think Microsoft is trying to take over the world?
Yeah, I heard they\'re trying to change the name to Cyberdine Systems.
Todas estas cosas se perderán en el tiempo como lágrimas en la lluvia.

Offline Cerberus

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Some Questions 2.0
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2003, 10:59:31 AM »
1) What was your register date on this forum?
    13th December 2001

2) Whats your first name?

3) Ever cheat on your wife/girl friend?

4) How many hours do you spend on the boards in a day?

5) How many avatars have you had on this board up to this date?

6) Whats your favorite game?

7) What brand name is our computer?
    don\'t know

8) Whats the processor?
    see above

9) Do you think Swifdi is gay?

10) Do you think this thread is gay?
      Yes, but not as gay as above answer

11) Do you notice any typos in thsi threed?
      no......wait, yse

12) If you were an admin on this board, what would you do?
      admin type things, oh and add peoples emails to mass mailing lists (joke)

13) Whats your favorite website?

14) Whats your own website?

15) What browser do you use?

16) What year were you born?

17) College or high school?
      High school, then college

18) Math. Love it or hate it?

19) Whats your favorite food?

20) Whats the temperature outside right now? Cloudy or sunny? Stormy?
    20+degrees C, clear, with the sun setting

21) If you could beat one member here with a baseball bat, who would you chose?

22) Finally, do you think Microsoft is trying to take over the world?
Don't waste your words I don't need anything from you. I don't care where you've  been or what you plan to do. I am the resurrection and I am the light. I  couldn't ever bring myself to hate you as I'd like.

Offline Tyrant
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Re: Some Questions 2.0
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2003, 11:13:44 AM »
1) What was your register date on this forum?

2) Whats your first name?
i\'ll keep this one to my self ;).

3) Ever cheat on your wife/girl friend?
never had one to cheat on.

4) How many hours do you spend on the boards in a day?
many, around 2-3 hours. (on a busy day)

5) How many avatars have you had on this board up to this date?
i think 5.

6) Whats your favorite game?

7) What brand name is our computer?
its a home built computer, so its got parts from various companies.

8) Whats the processor?
p4 1.5ghz.

9) Do you think Swifdi is gay?
not really, i think hes just confused atm.

10) Do you think this thread is gay?
well..... not really

11) Do you notice any typos in thsi threed?
nio :alien:

12) If you were an admin on this board, what would you do?
ban anyone who defies me.

13) Whats your favorite website?
non in particular, but this site gets most of my time.

14) Whats your own website?
http://www.geocities.com/tyrant_246 (hasnt been updated in ages).

15) What browser do you use?
IE and Opera.

16) What year were you born?

17) College or high school?

18) Math. Love it or hate it?
love it, u just cant live without it.

19) Whats your favorite food?
anything BBQ\'ed.

20) Whats the temperature outside right now? Cloudy or sunny? Stormy?
its night time right now so its dark about 35C with 80% humidity, it was 48C at noon (sunny is an understatement) with 60% humidity.

21) If you could beat one member here with a baseball bat, who would you chose?

22) Finally, do you think Microsoft is trying to take over the world?
[size=1.5]It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time.~Sir Winston Churchill[/size]
Bahrains ultimate vehicle showroom,  CV8=ownage, Bahrain F1, Bahraini cars, GulfGt.

Offline The Stapler
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Some Questions 2.0
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2003, 11:15:16 AM »
1) What was your register date on this forum?
Nov 2001
2) Whats your first name?
3) Ever cheat on your wife/girl friend?
4) How many hours do you spend on the boards in a day?
less than 1 hour
5) How many avatars have you had on this board up to this date?
6) Whats your favorite game?
Rogue Spear
7) What brand name is our computer?
8) Whats the processor?
AMD Athlon XP 1500
9) Do you think Swifdi is gay?
10) Do you think this thread is gay?
11) Do you notice any typos in thsi threed?
12) If you were an admin on this board, what would you do?
13) Whats your favorite website?
Don\'t have one
14) Whats your own website?
Don\'t have one
15) What browser do you use?
16) What year were you born?
17) College or high school?
High School
18) Math. Love it or hate it?
love it
19) Whats your favorite food?
Meat (bring on the ghey jokes)
20) Whats the temperature outside right now? Cloudy or sunny? Stormy?
~80 degrees F, sunny
21) If you could beat one member here with a baseball bat, who would you chose?
22) Finally, do you think Microsoft is trying to take over the world?

Offline shockwaves
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Re: Some Questions 2.0
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2003, 11:48:59 AM »
1) What was your register date on this forum?
August 2000, but barely posted until Feb 2002
2) Whats your first name?
3) Ever cheat on your wife/girl friend?
4) How many hours do you spend on the boards in a day?
half an hour a day at most
5) How many avatars have you had on this board up to this date?
1, with many different variations on it
6) Whats your favorite game?
Super Mario RPG
7) What brand name is our computer?
8) Whats the processor?
Celeron, 900 MHz
9) Do you think Swifdi is gay?
I don\'t think, I know
10) Do you think this thread is gay?
Not yet, Di hasn\'t made a post
11) Do you notice any typos in thsi threed? :)
12) If you were an admin on this board, what would you do?
Not too much different
13) Whats your favorite website?
14) Whats your own website?
I have several that I just made for fun at various times.  Nothing special, but try http://www.shockwaves.34sp.com I guess
15) What browser do you use?
16) What year were you born?
17) College or high school?
college now, The University of Pennsylvania
18) Math. Love it or hate it?
depends on the math
19) Whats your favorite food?
20) Whats the temperature outside right now? Cloudy or sunny? Stormy?
Sunny, 72 degrees
21) If you could beat one member here with a baseball bat, who would you chose?
James Vaske (ROL Jamas)
22) Finally, do you think Microsoft is trying to take over the world?

Offline SwifDi
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Re: Some Questions 2.0
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2003, 12:02:22 PM »
1) What was your register date on this forum?

November 12th, 2001

2) Whats your first name?


3) Ever cheat on your wife/girl friend?

No way, i wub my gf!!111111

4) How many hours do you spend on the boards in a day?

Maybe one to two

5) How many avatars have you had on this board up to this date?

Probably 6 or 7

6) Whats your favorite game?

Zelda: Ocarina of Time for life baby.

7) What brand name is your computer?

It was custom built

8) Whats the processor?


9) Do you think Swifdi is gay?

No, he may act fruity at times but he has a girlfriend and a bigger penis than Titan.

10) Do you think this thread is gay?

Now it is.

11) Do you notice any typos in thsi threed? :)

Yeah you put, "What brand name is our computer", moron.

12) If you were an admin on this board, what would you do?

I would be pretty lenient, and let most entertaining spam slide through

13) Whats your favorite website?

www.fanball.com is great during Fantasy Football season

14) Whats your own website?

I have a picture site, thats it

15) What browser do you use?

Internet Explorer

16) What year were you born?


17) College or high school?

High School, last year

18) Math. Love it or hate it?

Love it, fun stuff, especially when you crack some of the harder stuff.

19) Whats your favorite food?

Nothing beats a medium-rare porterhouse

20) Whats the temperature outside right now? Cloudy or sunny? Stormy?

It\'s Vegas. when is it ever not sunny?

21) If you could beat one member here with a baseball bat, who would you chose?

Probably Titan, he called me gay.

22) Finally, do you think Microsoft is trying to take over the world?

No, they just own you.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2003, 12:06:34 PM by SwifDi »

Offline Ryu
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Some Questions 2.0
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2003, 12:10:00 PM »
1) What was your register date on this forum?
- February 2000.

2) Whats your first name?
- Tim.

3) Ever cheat on your wife/girl friend?
- Never have and I never will.

4) How many hours do you spend on the boards in a day?
- Less than half an hour cumulative, but posts like these sometimes take more time to respond to. :)

5) How many avatars have you had on this board up to this date?
- I\'d say roughly six, but no more than eight.

6) Whats your favorite game?
- I would have to say Street Fighter III Third Strike.

7) What brand name is our computer?
- Dell.

8) Whats the processor?
- Pentium IV 2.4GHz.

9) Do you think Swifdi is gay?
- Does it matter?

10) Do you think this thread is gay?
- I\'m thinking about it...

11) Do you notice any typos in thsi threed?
- Indeed.

12) If you were an admin on this board, what would you do?
- I\'m actually thinking about deleting the "Gay" questions above.

13) Whats your favorite website?
- Penny Arcade, PVP, Gamespot, Gaming-Age forums, and Shaneglines.

14) Whats your own website?
- I have none.

15) What browser do you use?
- Internet Explorer 6.0.

16) What year were you born?
- 1982.

17) College or high school?
- College.

18) Math. Love it or hate it?
- Hate it.

19) Whats your favorite food?
- Teriyaki beef or pizza.

20) Whats the temperature outside right now? Cloudy or sunny? Stormy?
- It\'s sunny and according to weather.com, it\'s 77 degrees outside.

21) If you could beat one member here with a baseball bat, who would you chose?
- Too many to name, but I guess Clowd would be fun to hit hard.  Really hard.

22) Finally, do you think Microsoft is trying to take over the world?
- No, but they\'re succeeding regardless!
Don\'t you ever touch my cape.

Offline Kurt Angle

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Some Questions 2.0
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2003, 12:53:41 PM »
1) What was your register date on this forum?
 January 2001

2) Whats your first name?

3) Ever cheat on your wife/girl friend?

4) How many hours do you spend on the boards in a day?
1 or 2

5) How many avatars have you had on this board up to this date?
Too many to remember!

6) Whats your favorite game?
Strip poker

7) What brand name is our computer?

8) Whats the processor?
AMD Athlon XP2400+

9) Do you think Swifdi is gay?

10) Do you think this thread is gay?

11) Do you notice any typos in thsi threed?
Won or tuw

12) If you were an admin on this board, what would you do?
Rub Clyde\'s crotch vigorously!

13) Whats your favorite website?

14) Whats your own website?
Don\'t have one

15) What browser do you use?

16) What year were you born?

17) College or high school?
I went to both

18) Math. Love it or hate it?
I hate it with a passion!

19) Whats your favorite food?
Fish and chips

20) Whats the temperature outside right now? Cloudy or sunny? Stormy?
About 15C and dark ( it\'s 10pm you see)

21) If you could beat one member here with a baseball bat, who would you chose?
That crazy noobie Bluez (see console debating)

22) Finally, do you think Microsoft is trying to take over the world?

Offline Cerberus

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Some Questions 2.0
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2003, 01:47:13 PM »
Originally posted by Kurt Angle
That crazy noobie Bluez (see console debating)

Yeah, that \'tard needs a beating, I retract my Spencer answer, and instead name Bluez. Better still, I will kill 2 birds with 1 stone, by beating Bluez to death with Spencer.
Don't waste your words I don't need anything from you. I don't care where you've  been or what you plan to do. I am the resurrection and I am the light. I  couldn't ever bring myself to hate you as I'd like.

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Some Questions 2.0
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2003, 01:56:44 PM »
1) What was your register date on this forum?
uhhh too lazy
2) Whats your first name?
3) Ever cheat on your wife/girl friend?
4) How many hours do you spend on the boards in a day?
too much
5) How many avatars have you had on this board up to this date?
6) Whats your favorite game?
computer: cs    real life: kick the can
7) What brand name is your computer?
8) Whats the processor?
9) Do you think Swifdi is gay?
10) Do you think this thread is gay?
Its more like bi
11) Do you notice any typos in thsi threed?
nope ;)
12) If you were an admin on this board, what would you do?
abuse my powers
13) Whats your favorite website?
uhhh http://www.badmouth.net
14) Whats your own website?
i forgot
15) What browser do you use?
16) What year were you born?
17) College or high school?
high school
18) Math. Love it or hate it?
Failed it
19) Whats your favorite food?
20) Whats the temperature outside right now? Cloudy or sunny? Stormy? Cloudy

21) If you could beat one member here with a baseball bat, who would you chose? Everyone

22) Finally, do you think Microsoft is trying to take over the world?
Yes, Bill Gates is hitlers sister
Think for yourself. Question authority.

Offline Titan

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Some Questions 2.0
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2003, 03:34:34 PM »
1) What was your register date on this forum?
7/28/01 I believe

2) Whats your first name?

3) Ever cheat on your wife/girl friend?
never will

4) How many hours do you spend on the boards in a day?

5) How many avatars have you had on this board up to this date?
well, about 6

6) Whats your favorite game?
depends on my mood. MGS and The Thing

7) What brand name is our computer?

8) Whats the processor?
Pentium 3 and way underpowered

9) Do you think Swifdi is gay?
Nah, just like to joke around with him :)

10) Do you think this thread is gay?
of coarse not. I made it :)

11) Do you notice any typos in thsi threed? :)
I put them there on purpose

12) If you were an admin on this board, what would you do?
Never will be but I\'d try to keep order and fun at the same time. Kind of be like Ryu

13) Whats your favorite website?
Don\'t really have one. I like all.

14) Whats your own website?

15) What browser do you use?
Netscape 7

16) What year were you born?

17) College or high school?
high school

18) Math. Love it or hate it?
Can\'t seem to understand it half the time.

19) Whats your favorite food?
Teryaki (sp) beef jerky and pizza

20) Whats the temperature outside right now? Cloudy or sunny? Stormy?
Like 70s F and not a cloud in the sky.

21) If you could beat one member here with a baseball bat, who would you chose?
I wubs all of you :D

22) Finally, do you think Microsoft is trying to take over the world?
Liquid Spam of The Spaminators
"That took some balls to stick a gun in his pants." -Gman
"LOL u know id fuck yu wsboth right? i would love to fuck the both of uyouy

U R FUCJKGIN FCUTE" -THX to luke and Bob

"13 year old girls sleep with older men cause they think theyre in love
13 year old boys sleep with older women cause theyd be stupid not to

Offline PS2_-'_'-_PS2
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Some Questions 2.0
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2003, 03:52:09 PM »
1) What was your register date on this forum? J
une 2001

2) Whats your first name?

3) Ever cheat on your wife/girl friend?
dont have one =[

4) How many hours do you spend on the boards in a day?

5) How many avatars have you had on this board up to this date?

6) Whats your favorite game?
Vice City

7) What brand name is our computer?
Dosnt\'t say

8) Whats the processor?Athlon 2.4GHz

9) Do you think Swifdi is gay?
I think everyone is a little gay (at these forums anyway =])

10) Do you think this thread is gay?
Its OK

11) Do you notice any typos in thsi threed?

12) If you were an admin on this board, what would you do?
Kick you ass as there are never any typos on the boards - ur bringing the boards reputation down =]

13) Whats your favorite website?
at the moment http://www.addictinggames.com

14) Whats your own website?
had like 5 but they all sucked

15) What browser do you use?
IE 6

16) What year were you born?
4th November 1986

17) College or high school?
High school (my final year starts on wednesday)

18) Math. Love it or hate it?
Hated it and was always crap at it but i manged to get an "A" in my Higher GO ME!!! =]

19) Whats your favorite food? Pizza

20) Whats the temperature outside right now? Cloudy or sunny?  Stormy?
about 16 C probably, its night time so its probably cloudy i dont know

21) If you could beat one member here with a baseball bat, who would you chose?
ooseven simply because we live in the same area (sorry 00seven ur probably really big =] )

22) Finally, do you think Microsoft is trying to take over the world? whoa my poster just fell off my wall, erm probably
\"A key to the understanding of all religions is that a god\'s idea of amusement is Snakes and Ladders with greased rungs\"


Offline theomen
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Some Questions 2.0
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2003, 05:38:43 PM »
1) What was your register date on this forum?  I think December 30th, or abouts.

2) Whats your first name? Damian

3) Ever cheat on your wife/girl friend?  Not really...technicalities ;)

4) How many hours do you spend on the boards in a day? a combined 1 hour

5) How many avatars have you had on this board up to this date?  Like 15 probably

6) Whats your favorite game?  Video Game?  Sport?  What?  Fine, here\'s everything;
Video Game- KOTOR acutally
Board Game- Monopoly
Mind Game- Constantly talking down to people
Sport- Football
Individual Game in a pro sport- Superbowl 29, Steve Young leading the niners to the win in the superbowl

7) What brand name is our computer?  Toshiba Satalite

8) Whats the processor?  1ghz p3

9) Do you think Swifdi is gay?  A little

10) Do you think this thread is gay?  A lot

11) Do you notice any typos in thsi threed?  not meny

12) If you were an admin on this board, what would you do?  Ban Vapor, and molest newbies

13) Whats your favorite website?  This one

14) Whats your own website?  chickenporn.com

15) What browser do you use?  IE

16) What year were you born? 82

17) College or high school? College

18) Math. Love it or hate it?  Simple math me like

19) Whats your favorite food?  Pizza, but I can\'t eat it, so I\'d say protein bars and grilled chicken.

20) Whats the temperature outside right now? Cloudy or sunny?   High 80\'s and sunny

21) If you could beat one member here with a baseball bat, who would you chose?  too many to list

22) Finally, do you think Microsoft is trying to take over the world?  No
*this post was edited my the Microsoft Corporation*

Offline SER
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Some Questions 2.0
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2003, 01:25:20 AM »
1) What was your register date on this forum? December 2001 I think

2) Whats your first name? Juan

3) Ever cheat on your wife/girl friend? nope

4) How many hours do you spend on the boards in a day? Less than an hour

5) How many avatars have you had on this board up to this date?
At least 10

6) Whats your favorite game? Pimpwar :laughing:

7) What brand name is our computer? Compaq

8) Whats the processor? AMD

9) Do you think Swifdi is gay? bisexual

10) Do you think this thread is gay? yeah

11) Do you notice any typos in thsi threed?  <------ yup

12) If you were an admin on this board, what would you do? Wouldn\'t want to be

13) Whats your favorite website? yahoo.com

14) Whats your own website? none

15) What browser do you use? ie

16) What year were you born? 84

17) College or high school? In college

18) Math. Love it or hate it? Fcuk it!!

19) Whats your favorite food? Too many to mention

20) Whats the temperature outside right now? Cloudy or sunny? Stormy? Hot

21) If you could beat one member here with a baseball bat, who would you chose? I\'d stick it in theomen\'s butt. :ghey:

22) Finally, do you think Microsoft is trying to take over the world? yea


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