Seems a bit heavy on the bi training and light on the upper back. The bi\'s are a small muscle group and basically 3 sets of isolated bi work is more than enough. Especially because the old saying "the best bicep workout is a good back workout" is very true.
Start off with a strong back workout that uses at least 3 of these exercises;
Lat pull down/chin
DB pullover (my fav, as it has helped my lats alot)
Tbar/bent over row
DB row
For myself I would go with Lat pulldown, DB pullover and shrugs. Then after you finish those, go for the isolation on the bi\'s. I\'d go with straight bar curl (EZ bar is just that, easy. By turning your hands in(pronated), it takes the stress off the biceps brachi and uses the brachialis to help, meaning that the biceps brachi gets less work) Incline alternating db curls and preacher curls with the EZ bar (this will give the brachialis all the work it needs, and the first 2 exercises will be your real mass builders)
Everything else looks good, except I\'d put squats first on your leg workout as it\'s a compound movement and you always want those as your first exercises, because they\'re your best mass builders.