No this isn\'t a rant about how long DNF is taking. I\'m making a little fan game for fun.
Just so its 100% Clear, this is a fan game project, by me and has absolutely no direct connections with 3dRealms/Apogee. This game will be 100% free. Duke Nukem is owned by 3dRealms/Apogee.With that said, I can now tell you all about my little game. Just over a month ago, I released a little engine called STX001. I said I\'d use it to make my next game and now I\'ve finally done enough work to make it public. My game\'s working title is Duke Nukem: Waiting for Forever.
from the
OFFICIAL WEBSITEWhell, right now there isn\'t really much to say about this game. It is of course built on top of the STX001 engine. And it is, to my knowledge, the very first Duke Nukem fan game that ever was. =D Check out the very early, very raw, sneak peek demo.
Right now, nothing is set in stone. The story line, enemies, characters, vehicles and weapons haven\'t been tied down yet. But you can be sure that we\'ll open with Duke on the set of a popular talk show (only it\'ll be a future Dr Phil rather than a future Oprah (a la Duke2)).
Babes and big explosions are also planned.
please visit the site for screenshots, concept art and the sneak peek demo.
as you can imagine, making a game, even if it\'s just a little fan game, is a huge task. I\'m looking for people to help me with sprite art, tile art, background art, sound effects and music. any bit of help, no matter how small will be greatly appreciated.