(1) I don\'t smoke, but most in my family do. Though, my mom recently quit.
(2) I\'m torn on it. I don\'t think the goverment should have the right to tell us when and where we can smoke - but at the same time, I hate smoking and second hand smoke is a proven problem.
When it come\'s to a business area , I think it should be up to the owner or company to decide on smoking policys and how they will handle the smoking / non-smoking . It should not be the goverment. Honestly, people have enough sense to know if there is a place where people are allowed to smoke, and they dissapprove of smoking - then not to go in there. They don\'t need the goverment censoring everything.
(3) I don\'t use pot either, but give me a break. Pot got a bad reputation because of the goverment. It is no worse for you then alcohol. Infact, it is less dangerous. Have you ever heard of someone overdosing on pot? No. Typically, are people violent when on pot? No. Does pot kill your liver over time? No. Does alcohol have any medical use for cancer patients and so on? No. Who is goin\' to be driving faster, the man drinking or the man smoking pot?
The only reason pot got a bad reputation is due to the goverment having problems taxing it. If they could tax it easily, they would. They can tax alochol - there for it\'s A-OK.