Give me a f**kin\' break. Body modification is body modification and it\'s the person\'s right to modify their body as they see fit. Pull your head outta your ass, please. When someone does this to themselves - does it effect you? No, it doesn\'t. Your opinion about how an eyebrow ring is A-OK, but another modification isn\'t, is not only a double standard, it\'s downright ignorant.
It\'s like the goverment saying tattoo\'s are illegal in a certain state and banning tongue splitting. The goverment should have NO CONTROL over our bodies. It\'s our right. We own our body, not to the goverment. And I see no reason for laws against any kind of body modification - if the person wants to do it. Let \'em. It\'s their choice.
And Cererbus, I\'ve always stated I was heavily into body modification and a person\'s right to modify their body as they see fit.