Originally posted by Bobs_Hardware
We\'ve had a big arguement about this before GMan.
Calling cats useless is ignorant, to say the least.
When you see news reports of cats mauling children with regularity, let me know.
Though there are incidents where these things happen, there are far more goodnews coming from dogs than bad ones. Just last night, the Science Channel had an hour long documentary about how untrained house dogs were able to save their owners\' lives. One knew her owner was about to have a heart attack and wouldn\'t allow the owner to take her out for a walk. Dog already had the phone in its mouth.
Saying cats is useless is not ignorant. I know. I owned a cat. I\'ve had more uses out of my kitchen chair than I had for a cat. You can sit on it, put stuff on it, you can stand on it, lean it under the door knob to keep the zombies from entering the house and stuff.
A cat? It\'s cute and it\'s there for petting. Um....it can catch a mouse or your pet gerbil or parrot. THAT\'S IT!