I just get VERY pissed off that we always seem to be at the front of the queue to pick up bills, insane new laws and insults from other European countries and last in the queue for nice things like a health service or transport system etc etc.....
As soon as we link to Europe properly we\'ll (as one of the richer nations in the \'union\') be carrying other countries not doing so well. It pisses me off, before all else I think the government should pull their noses out of each others arses and ****ing do something about it.
Seriously, they wonder where all the nut-jobs come from, I\'d take pleasure in seeing westminster bombed at the moment.
There\'s no point protest voting as the people you pass your vote to never get any better and never look any more likely to win next time around. If you don\'t bother voting then people moan about low voter turnout for a couple of days and forget about it.
I\'ve had enough of this shit.