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Originally posted by ##RaCeR## Swifdi, was that a real sketch or Photoshopped? Its excellent if its real, who did it?
Originally posted by SwifDi Yeah Racer, they have these machines here in the U.S. for 3 bucks that\'ll do the sketch.
Originally posted by Lord Nicon Damn. That is pretty old Bob. I remember seeing that in a thread where pstwo\'s girlfriend was cursing you out about something. She changed her tune soon but somehow this pic got in there. Well here\'s and old @$$ pic of me when i was taking family and indevidual pictures at my aunt\'s house. I tried to be suave because my other aunt (who is a photographer and took the first two pictures) said i could just do whatever he hell i wanted. The other pics i wanted to load are on my other computer but im too lazy. Id add more of my family but thats kinda stupid.