I have to say that this is the best wrestling game I\'ve ever played. It seems people either love it or hate, and I love it.
First off the graphics are great, very believable. When HHH makes his way to the ring the self shadowing is beautiful, and his facial animations are a work of art. You can see him psyching himself up and growling at the end of his entrance. This game looks almost good enough to fool someone into thinking your watching Raw on TV, but just not quite that good.
Season mode is terrific, and it\'s an amazingly fun to set up aliances and feuds that last for months (game time). I was RVD and had a great feud with HHH, where he would send Ric Flair to jump me after matches, and Randy Orton would interfere costing me a match. But eventually I got back at him when I beat HHH for the title in a great match that went back and forth for the entire match until he brought a chair into the ring, I took it away from him and hit a Vandaminator. Of course I marked out.
All the matches that we expect are there, and the CAS is great. Especially since you can rip your own music, customize your entrance\'s pyro and titantron. Yes you heard me right, you can make your own titatron, no more generic entrance for me, no sir!
It has a few flaws, and for some people that may ruin the game but I played it 7 hours straight yesterday and am wanting more....stupid college.