Originally posted by GigaShadow
If you had any idea as to how the electoral college worked you would recant that statement Gohan. Electoral votes follow the popular vote except in extreme circumstances. Electoral votes are not partisan based - I ask you to cite one example of this.
You DEFINATELY don\'t know how the electoral college works. They ARE partisan based.
- Every party is supposed to have a rally so many days before the primaries.
- At the rally they present their selection of electoral college members to represent them in the presidential election. (Massachusetts = 14)
- In the primaries they put the candidates name on the ballot in place of the electoral college nominees. So when you vote on your candidate you are really voting for his party\'s electoral college members.
- Its a "winner take all" system so if the Republicans get 40% of the vote, the Dems get 30%, and so on. The republicans get ALL of the electoral college in that state. Which is why the system remains two party based. The Green/Reform parties could get 25+% of the vote in every state and never get one electoral college vote.
- The presidential election is pretty much a formality. There is a reason why the "magic number" on election night is 278. For 50%+1 of the electoral votes and not X million people\'s votes.
- The electoral college could vote however they wanted but they are partisan based so 9.9999 times out of 10 they will vote along party lines.