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Author Topic: Starting a weight gain diet  (Read 821 times)

Offline Titan

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Starting a weight gain diet
« on: September 24, 2003, 02:15:01 PM »
I talked to my coach today and asked him about a weight gain diet. I don\'t want to use weight gain stuff. He suggested a lot of protein and milk shakes and stuff. I am also running and lifting while on this diet. I\'m 120 now and hoping to get it up to 140-150 by March. Any other suggestions? What foods should I eat that have protein?
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Offline theomen
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Starting a weight gain diet
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2003, 02:25:42 PM »
what\'s your current protein intake?  I would recommend for what you\'re trying to do would be take in about 3000kcal a day, try to get 100g protein a day, take in low glycemic carbs such as whole wheats, oatmeal, oatbran and veggies.  And take in about 250-300g of fat a day, but limit it to monounsaturated fats and to a lesser extent polyunsaturated fats.  You can get monounsat fats through olive oil and peanut butter.  I could get you a fully set up diet if you want.

Here are some quick tips though;
You can\'t gain muscle without causing hypertrophy, that is cause by a progresive overload of the cns through working out.  So in other words, no workout=no muscle gain.

Try to split your calories up between 6 meals.

Eat high glycemic carbs after your workout (sugary foods) this will stop your body from creating cortisol which will eat muscle fiber.

Make sure to get enough healthy fat as it helps hormone levels, ie -test

take in plenty of h20!

Before you go to bed at night, take a protein supplement and a tb of peanut butter.  Most protein supps are fast absorbing, but at night you want it to slowly digest so that you have protein throughout your sleep, the fat in peanut butter will slow down absorption.

there\'s more, but this should help.

Offline ##RaCeR##
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Starting a weight gain diet
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2003, 02:59:15 PM »
Titan can I ask how tall you are?

120 pounds is fully skinny right? whats that in Kgs?

Offline Phil
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Starting a weight gain diet
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2003, 03:09:40 PM »
135lbs.  at 5\'11"  *flexes non-existant muscles*
Wrong. There are two other people who can.
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Offline theomen
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Starting a weight gain diet
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2003, 03:33:02 PM »
120pounds= about 58kg

Offline Titan

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Starting a weight gain diet
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2003, 05:43:22 PM »
I\'m like 5foot 8-5 foot 9. Yeah, I\'m skinny and need to gain more weight by March. I am in the weight room 3 days a week and I\'m running. Oman, thanks for the help. You\'ve been very helpful.
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Offline theomen
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Starting a weight gain diet
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2003, 06:38:42 PM »
you could also try a HST program, it\'s the latest science in body building.  HST stands for Hypertrophy Specific Training.  Search google for some routines, as it\'s too intensive for me to type out and all.

Offline SER
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Starting a weight gain diet
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2003, 11:32:10 PM »
How about fat people with man boobs? How do they get rid of that? And the huge gut sticking over the pants?


Offline ooseven
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Starting a weight gain diet
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2003, 12:11:40 AM »
Want to gain weight the easy way… well let me introduce you to my very own Fu£k All plan diet.

Which is


it should turn you into a lard @ss in no time :D.
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Offline ##RaCeR##
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Starting a weight gain diet
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2003, 04:03:51 AM »
Theoman, do you know of any supplements that actually slow down your metabolism or change the way your body processes foods?

Might be a stupid question but considering there are supplements that can speed it up you\'d think there would also be the reverse.

Offline theomen
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Starting a weight gain diet
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2003, 12:44:59 PM »
Hmmm....  why would you want to slow it down?  IF you aren\'t gaining weight, just eat more.  A fast metabolism is always a good thing, because the faster it is, the more food you can process so the more macronutrients you can take in.  You can slow down absorption rates, but I don\'t know of a sup that\'ll slow down you metabolism, even if there were legal ones out there, they\'d be like taking a barbituate.

as far man titties, well the culprit can be two things;
1.  Excess fat, and the only way to decrease fat is to use more calories than you take in.  Whether if it\'s diet, exercise or a combination.

2.  Gynecomastia aka Gyno.  This is where men grow breat tissue due to increased etrogen levels, due to high soy diet, steroid use etc...  Steroid use causes it because test and estrogen levels are on a feedback loop, and when you\'re on gear your body halts it\'s natural production of estro and test, because there\'s way too much in your body as it is while on steroids.  When you cycle of steroids your body overcompensates with making a shit load of estrogen, thus growing man boobies.  When I was on 1-AD, I cycled off and took an aromazation inhibitor that stops test from becoming estrogen so I didn\'t grow boobs.  Anti-E\'s or amaramization inhibitors work to a small degree in reversing gyno, but alot of men have to have breast reduction surgery.

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Starting a weight gain diet
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2003, 03:26:54 PM »
I talked to my coach today

I thought it said couch. So I read on - and was like WTF. He is just going to sit and eat?


6\'2\'\', 150 pounds. I am a lean mean fighting, hating machine.
Think for yourself. Question authority.

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Starting a weight gain diet
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2003, 03:59:01 PM »
Spudz is that you in your avatar?

Offline ##RaCeR##
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Starting a weight gain diet
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2003, 04:19:46 PM »
theoman, yeah, it just sucks cause i dont have time to just eat eat eat eat eat like you kinda have to. I mean, I eat 3 big meals a day, but thats it, its just hard when you don\'t have time to space your meals into 6.

joining a gym over summer anyway so hopefully i should have some time to take it seriously. its only accouple of months away so I was wanting to get the ball rolling now.

Offline SER
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Starting a weight gain diet
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2003, 05:03:48 PM »
Originally posted by theomen
Hmmm....  why would you want to slow it down?  IF you aren\'t gaining weight, just eat more.  A fast metabolism is always a good thing, because the faster it is, the more food you can process so the more macronutrients you can take in.  You can slow down absorption rates, but I don\'t know of a sup that\'ll slow down you metabolism, even if there were legal ones out there, they\'d be like taking a barbituate.

as far man titties, well the culprit can be two things;
1.  Excess fat, and the only way to decrease fat is to use more calories than you take in.  Whether if it\'s diet, exercise or a combination.

2.  Gynecomastia aka Gyno.  This is where men grow breat tissue due to increased etrogen levels, due to high soy diet, steroid use etc...  Steroid use causes it because test and estrogen levels are on a feedback loop, and when you\'re on gear your body halts it\'s natural production of estro and test, because there\'s way too much in your body as it is while on steroids.  When you cycle of steroids your body overcompensates with making a shit load of estrogen, thus growing man boobies.  When I was on 1-AD, I cycled off and took an aromazation inhibitor that stops test from becoming estrogen so I didn\'t grow boobs.  Anti-E\'s or amaramization inhibitors work to a small degree in reversing gyno, but alot of men have to have breast reduction surgery.

*heads to the store to buy a bra.


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