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Author Topic: Graphire 2 tablet problems  (Read 678 times)

Offline Echo
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Graphire 2 tablet problems
« on: September 28, 2003, 12:13:09 PM »
I have been having problems with my Graphire 2 ever since I got it (last Thursday) and have been asking questions everywhere, including Wacom\'s own forums (Wacom\'s tech support staff browse the forums and answer quesions), and so far no one has been able to help me. Now follows my question (copied from my post at http://www.conceptart.com forums):

I\'m having problems with my brand new Graphire 2. I can\'t seem to get the driver installed properly. This is what I get when I try to open the Wacom Tablet Panel in the Control Panel:

"The Tablet Driver Was Not Found!"

I can\'t uninstall the driver, not through "Add or Remove Programs" or the device manager.
Someone, please help me.

Check the following forum posts to see what others have suggested (and hasn\'t worked):




I think I might be able to uninstall the drivers, but I would need someone to send me their Graphire 2 uninst.isu file as mine seems to be corrupted. If I can uninstall it I might be able to reinstall it properly.


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