Originally posted by The Hurricane
it\'s official, I\'m not going to watch baseball anymore
after last nights horrible ending, I don\'t know what to do with myself. Grady little should be shot, that\'s the best way to express myself.
Well Yankee fans, you did it again, have fun w/ the Marlins...
At least you didn\'t blow it at home...like uhm, that one team from Chicago did 2 nights before. Up by 3, 5 outs away from the world series, aces on the mound, noboby on base...really, what force decided to come up with that?
And Nicon, really, wow, you amaze me. Anybody who roots for the BEARS is not a Bandwagon fan, and besides, in the heat of the moment, everybody\'s goona show their mode of frustration. Luke cussed them off, and being 16, I did other quite immature things. That involved tears. Yeah, draw your conclusions from there (I\'m compassinate, what can I say.)
Cubs blew it, Red Sox blew it, White Sox choked in September. Have fun finding a manager, bud.
Oh, and I would just like to mention that I wore any Cubs apperal I could find to School today, including my sex0r Cubs hat that I got for a B-Day present in late may after my old one, which had no inside lining whatsoever, was too damn flimsy to be worn.
Go Cubs. See Yuz.