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Author Topic: Im back!! Lets talk time!!!  (Read 1446 times)

Offline Bossieman
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Im back!! Lets talk time!!!
« on: October 03, 2003, 07:55:22 AM »
It was a while since I have posted here. I have been working and studying stuff.
I think I will start posting more now.
There has been some interesting threads in the forums.

I have some really nice ideas about time and other things but unfortunally all I have written is in swedish. So I cant explain the concept of time in a few lines. (Fastson have you read the book yet?)There was a thread about time and a classical paradox: What happens if you go back in time and kill your grandmother?
This paradox is solved in my book and is very beutiful.
When we talk about time we should be careful. When we talk about time we have to know what time is. Scientist doesnt know what time is and that itself makes the problem harder.

Just a tip for understanding the paradox.
When we say that we turn the time around we imagine that we are not affected by this, just space.  That means that my mind still goes in direction from present to future but space itself goes from future to present. That is just impossible. If we change the direction of time we also per definition turn the direction of time in our minds. And from there things gets interesting.......

Open your minds people!! What happens when we take this in to the disscution?

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Im back!! Lets talk time!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2003, 08:43:43 AM »
you make my head hurt.

welcome back! :)
Dinosaurs were killed in the flood. -#RaCeR#
Halle Berry just loves to give me the \"Dutch Oven\". That\'s why I stopped going down on her. It pisses me off so much that I just bang her til she faints. Bitch.-GmanJoe
i just try to make my sefhappy , by beng i company of fri

Offline Unicron!
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Im back!! Lets talk time!!!
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2003, 08:52:55 AM »
I used to have this question in my mind.Lets say I decided to go back in time to do something for example lets say.....kill Hitler to prevent WW2.In the present I am now the ww2 is something that never happened.So that means I ve never gone back in time to kill Hitler because I dont have the need to go back in time to Stop WW2.So that means I ve never gone back in time to kill Hitler......If I never went back in time to kill Hitler that means I never killed him.So nobody prevented the WW2 from happening......If the WW2 happened that means I had the reason to go  nack in time to kill Hitler and prevent the WW2......and it goes like a never ending story without a biginning or an end.

So what happens here I believe is that you cant get yourself just as you are back in time.Only unconsiously.Perhaps through connecting with the universal mind we call God.And God is everything.light a stone my flesh my blood steel wood.I dont know what to call it.Perhaps "energy"?"Wave"?.Time only defines the state of something(a state of everything that actually is the same thing) and place(and no matter where you stand in the universe you are in the centre of it).Everything is made from the same thing.Going back in time as the universal mind(which is everything) not as a "you", you can change the past.Because the "everything" affects the "everything" which is ofcourse is the same thing.Perhaps the past has changed countless of times but we cant realise it.

Lets say that 10-2-3-1 in bold represent everything before present.And that 8-3-1 is what we see now because of the past. 1 is me and its the reason I want to go to the past and change something.

If i change what I want to change then 10-1+1-2-3=8-3.Where is me and my cause to go to the past?It makes no sense.
If I am the universal mind which is God and God is everything then I am the past and the present as well as the future.

I am the 10-3-2-1=8-3-1=4=3+1=5-1=7-3=6-2=10-6=16-12=8-4......

You want to change the past using a negative -6?Or a positive +6?You want to change the past using a negative -4 or a positive +4?
Nothing actually changes.Its allways the same thing.
You cant do whatever you want you are GOD :nut:
I think I ve lost my mind :nut: :nut:
« Last Edit: October 03, 2003, 09:02:52 AM by Unicron! »

Offline videoholic

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Im back!! Lets talk time!!!
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2003, 08:57:20 AM »

BTW, if you could ever go back in time, don\'t you think someone already has?  Or are we in the present?  Is there no future before us to allow for someone to come back to us.
I wear a necklace now because I like to know when I\'m upside down.
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Im back!! Lets talk time!!!
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2003, 09:06:01 AM »
:laughing: Oh man, it\'s so fitting that the first reply in this thread is CHIZZY saying "you make my head hurt" and his avatar is a picture of a dog taking a crap.

Truly pearls before swine in this forum.  :)
Let the Eagle Soar!
\"The American Dream: You have to be asleep to believe it.\"  - George Carlin

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Im back!! Lets talk time!!!
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2003, 09:24:19 AM »
All I gotta say is..

Oh yay..

Offline SwifDi
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Im back!! Lets talk time!!!
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2003, 01:08:50 PM »
You\'re spooky.

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Im back!! Lets talk time!!!
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2003, 03:17:26 PM »
Bossieman ownz...

Whenever I need help with my physics homework- expect a call. :D

BTW: Can I ask bossie, what is your opinion on religion? On the truth or fiction of god?

Think for yourself. Question authority.

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Re: Im back!! Lets talk time!!!
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2003, 09:48:37 PM »
Originally posted by Bossieman
It was a while since I have posted here. I have been working and studying stuff.
I think I will start posting more now.
There has been some interesting threads in the forums.

I have some really nice ideas about time and other things but unfortunally all I have written is in swedish. So I cant explain the concept of time in a few lines. (Fastson have you read the book yet?)There was a thread about time and a classical paradox: What happens if you go back in time and kill your grandmother?
This paradox is solved in my book and is very beutiful.
When we talk about time we should be careful. When we talk about time we have to know what time is. Scientist doesnt know what time is and that itself makes the problem harder.

Just a tip for understanding the paradox.
When we say that we turn the time around we imagine that we are not affected by this, just space.  That means that my mind still goes in direction from present to future but space itself goes from future to present. That is just impossible. If we change the direction of time we also per definition turn the direction of time in our minds. And from there things gets interesting.......

Open your minds people!! What happens when we take this in to the disscution?


oh welcome back! :stick:

Offline Samwise
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Im back!! Lets talk time!!!
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2003, 12:58:12 AM »
Bossie, I\'d love to discuss these matters with you, either here or in private.
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline Unicron!
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Im back!! Lets talk time!!!
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2003, 03:46:54 AM »
He should stop the habit of posting once or twice and dissapear :D

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Im back!! Lets talk time!!!
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2003, 09:01:00 AM »
There is no past, present, or future. It\'s just where we happen to be at the moment. Time is still there, no matter where we are within it. It\'s like the pebble in the pond. Drop it in and no telling what  the ripples will effect but the pond is still there.
Ouch :mecry: , I tried, HEAD HURT NOW. Must have Bud.
guar(somewhere out there)

Offline Kurt Angle

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Im back!! Lets talk time!!!
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2003, 10:12:04 AM »
Life is just one big dream...................................

*leaves thread quickly*
« Last Edit: October 04, 2003, 10:14:20 AM by Kurt Angle »

Offline Bossieman
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Im back!! Lets talk time!!!
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2003, 10:34:01 AM »
Originally posted by Samwise
Bossie, I\'d love to discuss these matters with you, either here or in private.


I love to change ideas and stuff about questions like this.
What is time in your opinion, is it something physical or is it just a pshychological phenomen, maybe both or something else.

Does time has a direction?

How can we talk about timetravel if we dont have a clue what time actually is.

Offline Bossieman
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Im back!! Lets talk time!!!
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2003, 10:55:27 AM »
Originally posted by Spudz
what is your opinion on religion? On the truth or fiction of god?

I have changed my opinion about religion totally the last year.
Before I can talk about religion I want to talk what religion is for me so you know what the word mean to me.

The word religion is for me a word that describes different ideas and beliefs about the world and the Universe. That means that physics is also a religion IMO. A belief that is supposed to describe and explain the world.

Since I have started my work on my theory, a lot of stuff comes out that is not science today, more philosophy and what most people say is religion. That has changed my view and understanding of what God is and what God means.

God is probably not the same thing for me as it is for U or anyone else. That doesnt mean I am more wrong or right than anyone else. Its all about a personal belief that is right for me.

If I take that and combine that with my other beliefs my view of God becomes something like this:

God is the ultimate understanding of the universe and everything within it.
A simplier way to understand this is to see God as a collection of minds that has reach the ultimate understanding. IMO life is about understanding and evolving your mind to understand and search for the ultimate understanding. IMO opinion it is not impossible to reach this level of understanding. My life is about the search and understanding of the universe. Hopefully I can come close to this.

Religion becomes different version of this search and understanding. IMO the bible is a guideline and a source of knowledge hidden in words to keep the knowlege intact in time.

Religion or anything else is not anymore a question of right or wrong for me. Something can be right for U but not for me. That doesnt mean I think u are wrong. U just see and understand things in a different way.

The same thing for God. Its a belief and the very word God can mean different things for different people but that does not mean that one is more right than someone else.

Hop I have answered your question.



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