You gotta learn how to swim... In essence it\'s almost as important as learning to walk....
Oh yeah... When I was 4 years old I was wheelin about on my tricycle, and this girl (about 6 years old) commanded me to let her ride or whatever, and I was like, no! And she picked up a rock, and threw it at my head and literally split my upper frontal bone open slightly. I got a small scar from it...
...the scar re-opened just recently. I was at my gf\'s house, trying to be a macho man by fixing her TV reception. Well she had this huge ceramic gargoyle on top of the TV, and I didn\'t know it. The TV was on this wall mount, so I reached up and swung it around so I could see the back, and "CRACKKKKKKKKKK". The gargoyle smashed into four big pieces on my head.
My girlfriend made that gargoyle.