Got hit by a car, was dragged under it.. Luck was on my side, i managed to grab the front bumper bar so my top half didn\'t go under too. When the car stopped i got out from under it, the lady that was driving cracked the shits with me, when she was the one in the wrong. She then asked if I was ok. l told the stupid bytch to **** off. I walked home with my whole left side covered with scraps and cuts. i didn’t go to hospital or anything, It wasn\'t bad enough for that. Thank god.
If i had something broken i would\'ve accepted her nice little offer to drive me there.
Also when i was a lot younger i nearly got hit by a bus. I was with about 5 friends. We were talking while crossing the road when they all stopped. So i was looking back trying to figure out why they had stopped. Next thing i hear a bus horn going off. I turn to see where it was and it just missed me by about 3 inches from my nose. The side mirror just went over my head, so all my mates said. If was any taller, the mirror would have KO\'d me then the rest of the bus would have probably finished me off, scary sh@t.
ohh, and i nearly had cancer. Had a golf ball size lump removed from my neck. It was a gland that went mad. Infact i had 3 of them removed, but the 2 others were a lot smaller. Guess you could call that a close to death thing, cause if it was cancer, i would have been in a lot of s@#t.