First of all, Arnold has already stated that he is going to undertake a serious learning regime so that he can get the basics, and he\'s going to surround himself with people who can answer anything he doesn\'t know. Also, people seem to think that a leadership role is one that needs to be learned, a Governor or President is more of person who is presented with the ideas from his staff, then decides which is the best idea and procedes with it. It\'s not like he is going to be pressed to imediatly learn molecular biology.
As for Davis, he isn\'t responsible for what happend during his 5 years in office? Well I would hope that a governor would have more control over his state, and not let it fall apart under his nose. Also, being able to balance a check book couldn\'t hurt.
To the comment about the illegals. That was Davis and Ariana Huffington who wanted to give the illegals a Drivers License, Arnold was firmly against it, because of security reasons.