Please do, quote and I won\'t delete, it sheesh.
It\'s been common knowledge that Napster, as a pay service is coming back. Napster as the original P2P is not coming back though. And the chances of this being succesful is almost zero, due to the fact that Napster\'s audience was people who didn\'t want to pay for music .
Good griefs, you are grasping at straws.
To save you time of looking up your own humilation..

Napster has tried and tried to come back, but the fact is Napster , in its true essence is gone. If it came back, it would be a failed corporate attempt most likely. Anything else is not viable for Napster, as a company or project. Not to meniton, the filesharing process that Napster is severely out-dated now , as Kazaa and other\'s have improved on it countless times.
Napster\'s gone. Give it up.
Wanna steal? Use a frickin\' newsgroup, people!\'s see here, I said Napster\'s true essence is gone and if and when it came back, it would be a corporate attempt, which is what this is.
Napster, as you know it is gone. Now it\'s just riding off a somewhat-famous name and trying to be legit.