If he doesn\'t like it, that\'s his right. I do find it odd that everytime we bring up a movie we all get schooled in "classics" & "culture". Personally, I love some of the classics such as \'Seven Samurai\',\'Throne of Blood\', \'Wages of Fear and other movie\'s, but not every movie has to have a deeper meaning. I don\'t want every movie to be epic. Sometimes, I want a stylish, popcorn flick and that is was Tarintino delivered.
Though I have to point out a few things..
someone PLEASE teach these women how to hold thier blades. every samuri just rolled in thier graves when lucy lui put her katana back in the sheath with blood on the edge.
Alright - if that is one of the biggest complaints you can come up with, then please, go back and watch it. Out of all the outrageous violence, over-the-top things, you complain about someone not wiping their katana? Sheesh.
and **** tarintino for making the great, great gordon liu have a part in this mockery. gordon deserves better. you pig, than having him say "i shave my head, im not bald"
I also like how you lay all the blame on Tarintino there. Saying that Gordon deserved better and what not. I don\'t know if you realize this, but obviously Gordon agree\'d to do the movie and get paid. Tarintino did not hold him at gun-point. Instead, Tarintino has Gordon and other people to star in the movie and guess what? They did and they got paid. So, instead of goin\' on a "kill Tarintino" mode over Gordon\'s apperance in the movie, consider the simple
fact that Gordon appeared in the movie on his own free will. Or would you have to accept that your idols / favorite actors would do such a terrible crime?
the theatre was packed with early teens (i wanted to vomit on them), and naturally they showed commercials for diet coke, motorola and previews for matrix revolutions and lotr:rotk why didnt they just whore the next star wars preview and get it over with?
You do know, that previews are for...previews of up and coming movie\'s and that it is common to have previews of future blockbuster films, right? This isn\'t something new. Infact, previews have been around along long time, even when they was making "classics".