Sammy, I love you. I have played this game whenever I can today, Probably about 5 hours total so far. This game rules.
The learning curve to play is as shallow as a hill. I customized my controls and started up. The learning curve to be good is steep. I still am mediocre, but better than I was before (not by much).
The only complaints I have are few. The music soundtrack included in the game is a total of 4 songs- all that have a deathmetal esque feel to them. If you purchase the game you can make your own soundtrack to it. Many other options are available if you just have 9 bucks. I also am wondering if the internet games work? I looked around to find how to join- but avast nothing came up. This game isnt that popular, and I guess their are servers, but its luck to join- you can still play against the bots though.
The bots are pretty smart, and can notice you hiding anywhere. Its amazing how much they act as if they were human.
The customization of the character is low, but still nothing like green Mr.T hair, and a gold necklace to blow peoples limpless bodies up with. One thing I wished was a detailed character setup, just to make your guy unique.
Overall 7/10, think its low? I would give ICO a 7/10 too.
At least check it out, its pretty addictive.