Okey people. I have read some of the stuff that is predicted by this guy.
As you all know by now I have a very different understanding of what time is.
I dont agree with this guy for several reasons.
1. This guy talkes about singularites like they are real objects. This is IMO and other scientists dead wrong. Singularities are mathematical objects not real physical objects. 1/0 is a singularity.
2. "Microsingularities can and will be used to build time-travel machines. "
Well this statement is wrong if 1 is correct.
3. Why didnt he give us any info on big mathematical or physical breakthroughs from the future? That would have been nice proofs.
4. How can he go back to our time with a timemachine and have it in this time before it has been invented in this time?
5. If he can go back in time he can also go forward in time. So why didnt he go 10000 years into the future and then back to this time and tell us about the future beyond him. Can he only go back in time? Doesnt make sence to me.
6. IMO and in my theory protons have the same time as our minds, that is from present to future. Neutrons goes from future to present. We are build of particles that goes in different directions in time=Timetravels are meaningless to talk about.
Well this is my opinions on this guy. But it is just opinions, not facts.