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Author Topic: Things that ruin a movie experience...  (Read 2449 times)

Offline mm
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Things that ruin a movie experience...
« Reply #30 on: October 19, 2003, 05:32:51 PM »
my #1  theatre peeve

ghetto chicks (race not important) that bring infants and let them cry
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Offline SwifDi
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Things that ruin a movie experience...
« Reply #31 on: October 19, 2003, 05:40:04 PM »
I have no idea why parents bring babies... Seriously... Get a babysitter... Or lock the kid in a closet.

Offline Soul Reaver
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Things that ruin a movie experience...
« Reply #32 on: October 19, 2003, 05:57:45 PM »
Other people just piss me off. (Suburban kids who like rap mostly)

Offline SirMystiq

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Things that ruin a movie experience...
« Reply #33 on: October 19, 2003, 08:02:05 PM »
Originally posted by alliswell
"Biggest thing that ruins going to theatres:

black people"

You guys may be pretending to joke about that but its rather ignorant to be so bias against a race.  I\'ve been in movie theaters where white people were rude in loud talking etc.  

BTW,  I know deep inside you feel all black people are all loud talking etc,  which isnt very smart...please drop the stereotypes...your judging people by the color of their skin..its rediculous

And I know that black boy whipped your butt in elementary or your so intimidated by them you fear them,  and you hide behind a monitor and say this but wouldnt dare say it in front of them.  listen,  get over the whippin the black boy gave you and move on

Man, whatever. HAHAHA...im not racist in any way. But here in Mesquite, AMC 30 on friday night is like black people everywhere. I don\'t mind, but when you start seeing black girls screaming at each other when their 3 inches away from you, a group of black boys that sway and wear green jerseys with their pants down tot heir toes, and silver chains, a group of black kids yelling at a group of white kids to go **** themselves because the white kids are going to see Bringing down the house and theyer white so they shouln\'t be seeing that...Im sorry but most of the steryotypes on black people they bring it upon themselves.


------Few comments from some teenage black kids sitting i billion seats in front of us----

I don\'t really have many pet peeves, or someone with a cell phone with billions of colors
« Last Edit: October 19, 2003, 08:04:57 PM by SirMystiq »
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

Offline Rya
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Things that ruin a movie experience...
« Reply #34 on: October 19, 2003, 08:40:49 PM »
1. Loud teenage girls
2. Loud teenage girls with there feet on my chair

Loud teenagers while Orlando Bloom is on the screen.  -_-  Like as if the guy would ever consider any of them as his potential girlfriend.
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Offline Samwise
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Things that ruin a movie experience...
« Reply #35 on: October 19, 2003, 11:39:34 PM »
Originally posted by Ryu
when the projector, or the person working the projector, somehow screws up and the movie loses sound or the reel suddenly ends.  

Hey, that\'s not necessarily the projectionist\'s fault. :)

I\'ve sometimes had trouble because the machine screwed up, or because the guy splicing the movie together made a mistake. It really sucks, but mostly the projectionist isn\'t at fault. :)

But it is his/hers fault is the picture isn\'t aligned properly, if it\'s out of focus or the sound volume\'s wrong.
(thanks Chizzy!)

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Things that ruin a movie experience...
« Reply #36 on: October 19, 2003, 11:41:25 PM »
Like I said, the projector OR the person working the projector.  ;)
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Offline Samwise
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Things that ruin a movie experience...
« Reply #37 on: October 19, 2003, 11:45:59 PM »
Originally posted by Ryu
Like I said, the projector OR the person working the projector.  ;)

Pfft, you suck pussyboy! :p
(thanks Chizzy!)

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Things that ruin a movie experience...
« Reply #38 on: October 20, 2003, 12:10:28 AM »
Is a baby crying in a theatre considered a stereotype?

My biggest pet peeve is someone talking during a movie. It almost always leads to a what just happened question. It ends up being a vicious cycle.

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Things that ruin a movie experience...
« Reply #39 on: October 20, 2003, 02:44:45 AM »
Teenage doofuses.. I swear those kids who act black and dress like Nelly that think they are so badass for being obnoxious.. :mad:

Yea, babies and cellphones too. :mad:

Offline Deadly Hamster
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Things that ruin a movie experience...
« Reply #40 on: October 20, 2003, 03:11:26 AM »
One good thing is when teenagers are being annoying and some middle-aged guy turns around and tells them to "Shut the **** up!" Thats always funny....
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Offline Samwise
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Things that ruin a movie experience...
« Reply #41 on: October 20, 2003, 03:12:53 AM »
You guys do realize Spudz meant the actual movie, right? :)
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline videoholic

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Things that ruin a movie experience...
« Reply #42 on: October 20, 2003, 03:16:26 AM »
Tell him to word the thread better then.
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Offline Black Samurai
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Things that ruin a movie experience...
« Reply #43 on: October 20, 2003, 05:20:29 AM »
1. Cell Phones
(Do people see the commercial that says "Please turn off all Cell Phones and Pagers" and just ignore it?)

2. Babies
(Why bring a ****ing baby to see Kill Bill. Did that make sense when you first left the house? If you have to see a movie so bad that you can\'t bother getting a baby sitter or even leaving the theater when he starts crying then don\'t get upset when annoying teenagers throw milkduds at you.)

3. People Talking
(Shut the Hell up !!!!11!!1one!!one11)
[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Offline GmanJoe

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Things that ruin a movie experience...
« Reply #44 on: October 20, 2003, 05:34:25 AM »
1. I have to go to das pooper.

2. I have to go peeper.

3. I forgot to pickup my fiance to watch the movie. And all the while, I was pissed off wondering why she was late. :p
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