Mother is off / on religious, but at heart is religious. My father has no religion, but belives in a higher power. I was raised religious, but through experiences in life, I formed my own beliefs.
I don\'t know if there is \'God\'. I won\'t argue it. I will say, I don\'t care if there is one. I don\'t fear him. I don\'t worship him. I don\'t give him a second thought. If he is there, then fine. If not, big whoopie f**kin\' doo. I don\'t believe in a life after death. I think we are just like every other animal and our singluar purpose is to breed and make sure the species goes on.
Then again, I also believe, if we did not have prison and certain society based rules, then we would see nothing wrong with rape and murder. You could say our "inner voice" lets us know its wrong, but it is just guilt forced onto us by society telling us what is right and what is wrong.
In one sense, I think we have ruined our own purpose. We created so many rules, that we gave up on natrual selection and survival of the fittest. Thus, we suffer from over-population.