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Author Topic: Dude needs infrared heads up thingy  (Read 757 times)

Offline Black Samurai
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Dude needs infrared heads up thingy
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2003, 08:30:58 PM »
I almost hit a baby deer. I was driving down a dark street in mattapan that is separated by a wide island. I was driving at like 40-50 mph and I slowed down because a car on the other side of the street jammed on their brakes. As I was looking at the car on the other side of the street the baby deer ran in front of my car.

I did hit a big ass racoon once. It was in my first hooptie. Oddly enough on the same street.
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Dude needs infrared heads up thingy
« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2003, 04:46:05 PM »
Anyone ever ran over a person? Accident, or on purpose?

I remember I was driving with a friends dad, he was driving and this kid runs out into the street, and we had no idea, we didnt even see the kid. It was winter and we skidded and ran over the kids ear. It tore it completely off. He ran into the nearest house with the kid in his arm and called 911. It was ****ing scary, I mean I saw his ear laying on the ground, and steam rising from it, and blood just everywhere. All these kids were screaming and his mother was crying and everything- It really was scary.
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