I was Thor, and it was bitchin.

Halloween rules;
1) We went to go get some candy since we ate all of my little brothers, so we go to this old ladies house. She gives us a bag of chips (BIG ONES, so we picked These Cinnamon Chips, which rule) and 1 candy. Briand and Lee just grabbed the thing, and I took the whole bowl. She was cussing me out and everything- bah **** her.

It was hilarious, imagine me in my Thor suite with a armful of candy running away from an old lady, spilling half of it out.

God that was funny.
2) After we got some candy, it was like 8 still, we decided to jam. The band came over and we opened the geerage door, kids and teenagers (even hot chicks) came by and just hung out. A few chicks stayed after, and we could tell they wanted us,

Honestly, nothing is as stupid and as fun as Halloween.
BTW: The weed sucked, Briand threw up all over, it was disgusting. The only good weed is Alaskan, and its not debateable.