Rented Kill Bill, since there are no more disc, i just go with the tape (the quality isn\'t that good in tape but oh well)....
The opening fighting scene was quite interesting, then i feel the story runs too long and boring. Videogames have a lot of excellent japanese music tracks, but this movie put shame on japanese music. I admit the story isn\'t that great, just average. If they edited the movie to make it shorter (get rid of some unmportant part like the japanese guy that taught the bride how to use the sword and get to the point....), the grade will be a bit higher.
But i actually do like some fighting scenes like the vernita green, go go yubari....but i find the fighting scene with lucy liu was quite short and somewhat uninteresting.
Another part i like is lucy liu making that speech at the meeting....
hopefully i didn\'t spoil anything if anyone haven\'t seen it.
overall, i gave it a 7 out of me, its a worthy of rental....don\'t flame me, its my opinion and personal taste.